Chapter 16

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I stared myself in the mirror , looking disgusted what was on me .

Tears fell

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Tears fell . As I was about to be in the
sex trafficking . As the door opened other girls all came in . Looking bout horrible as ever . Half of them looked drugged up and they all was bruised up . Then Luke followed behind them .

He looked at me licking his lips .

" Imma make lots of money with you here now ." he smirk he took my hand   dragging me out of the dressing room type . He sat me down in this dark cold room . He threw a pair of ten inch heels on the table .

" Put them on , and we'll get you marked and then we'll go see who's gonna be your new daddy ." he said pulling out a tattoo gun .

" Marked ?" His head snaps to me he grabbed me by my hair .

" Don't fucking speak . You have to earn all your rights back . You call all the men Daddy and Daddy only . You hear ?" He screamed

I nod

" Can't hear you !"

" Yes .."

" Yes what ?"

" Yes Daddy.."

" Good girl ." he said letting go grabbing my inside of my arm . Placing the needle on my skin and he started to " Mark" me . I cursed under my breath but only for me to here ticking in pain ..

After he was done . It shown .


011 ?

" Your new name is 11 , now let's go !" He jumped up skipping to the door . I could hardly walk in the ten inch heels . My eyes started to burn as the big lights flashed in my eyes as I got onto the stage standing next to other ten girls .

We was all in a line . And in front of us was hungry creepy men ..  Waiting to win there prize ..

*Big Daddy's pov*

" Joe ,  get the car and meet me at the club in 20 we have an emergency ." I said threw the phone as Rose was freaking out . I hung up . Looking at my GPS that tracks Diego .

As I put the pin .


My jaw dropped .

He's in New York ?

" Fuck !" I shouted running a hand threw my hair .

" What ? What's wrong ?" Rose panicked I looked at her. 

" He's in New York ."

" What about Elora ?"

I shook my head , " I'm not sure Rose ." I sighed . She began to cry .

" But we'll find her "

" Who ?"

" My crew , stay by your phone at ALL times . I have to go ."

She nods as I did the same I walked out jogging to 46 club that was only a half a block away . As I'm jogging I call
Gustav Åhr aka Lil Peep .

" What's up Big Daddy ." he said as he pick up the phone .

" Get the boys and  shit load of guns . And meet me at the Cips Park in am hour . No later !" I said hanging up before he could reply ...

*Diego's pov*

I was getting weaker and weaker by the minute as the blood kept pouring out .. I coughed weakly . Everything was getting slower and slower ..

I've been waiting for this moment for a very long time .. But I didn't want to die like this . I want to die in the river while I flow down it with Pink Roses in my hands and has the sunset goes by so when it leaves I do too .

Tears fell , Blood drip . What's New ?

Feels like I've been here for a life time . But its only been a whole day almost two . I was slowly , painfully dying . But I knew I deserved it , after all the shit I've done and said .

My mind was black .But the only light was the thought of Elora that crossed my mind .. I closed my eyes . Picturing Elora by my side at the edge of the sea line . The water barely touching our toes . My arms wrap around her small figure . As her small arms wrap around me .

The sea was beautiful . But nothing in the world was more beautiful then Elora . The way her hair moves with the wind how her eyes shines brighter then the sun it's self .

The way she never gave up on me . Like I did myself . I opened my eyes realizing I need her ..

I began slowly , weakly trying to escape . My hands started to hurt as I began to pull them out of the tight grip of the rope .

Before I knew it my left hand was free but was bleeding . I began untiring my right hand then my feet .

As I was finally free , I stood to my weak shaky feet . I collapsed to the floor . Holding my open stomach in pain . I stood back up with the support of the chair . As a small pip caught my eye from the corner . I weakly picked it up .

I opened the door placing my hand back on my stomach lipping out of the room . I began hearing people cheering clapping there hands . Then I heard a man over a microphone .

" Up next is our new Baby Doll 11 .."

~ !!!!!!!! Hope y'all like this Chapter (: But I hope y'all had an amazing Thanksgiving if you celebrate !! Butttt please vote and comment for the next Chapter ! xxxSkyler ~

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