Chapter 17

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My eyes widen . Tears begun to fall . As I seen her with her bravest face.
She wanted to cry . But she kept it in .

"Take my hand darling ." he said threw the mic holding his hand out as her shaky hand took his .

He spun her around . And the crowed started to go wild .

" How y'all like our New Baby Doll 11 ? " and the crowed went crazy !

Elora looked around and her eyes landed on me . I put my pointer finger to my lips . A single tear dropped from her beautiful eyes .

" How much are we gonna start with ?"

" 30,000 " one yelled

"50,000" another one yelled

Everyone just started throwing prices out like it was nothing .

"300,000 " one yelled and the room went silent my head snap to the person who yelled that .

My eyes widen as I seen Ethan standing up knowing he already won her .

What the hell !

Elora had shock eyes as they began to remove her from the stage to the back as Ethan followed . I started to panic . I didn't know what to do .

I was dying , slowly dying and there was nothing I could do ..

*Elora's pov*

Tears fell as the girls began packing me a bag with clothes that I had to wear . Or I'd be beaten.  Ethan came to my side smirking . I looked away . I felt his lips placed on my ear .

" Don't worry honey , I won't be the one touching you." he whispered chuckling my mouth dropped in shock .

" You're in for a ride of your life darling . If I was you I'd cry now then later , because Dj doesn't like cry babies . Hates them in fact . He has killed a few for crying . " he laughed walking away but stopped turning around facing me .

" And oh Elora .. Diego's dead  we found him laying in his own blood back stage." he laughed .

" Not like he was important , everyone knew he wasn't gonna make it in this world . Since day one . People like him doesn't deserve to have a place in this world . He got what he deserved . Now you have fun ." he smirk

My world had stopMy heart had stop . My mind stop . Turning black . My throat was dry . My version was blurry . My heart had finally broke when it was on its last . I fell to the ground . Screaming , crying . I couldn't breath .

Dead ?

He couldn't be dead .

But he was ?

Was he ?

I felt like I was gonna throw up .

He's my world , my lightmy soul .

And now that he's dead . So am I .

I was pulled out of my own thoughts . Becoming crazy knowing Diego was gone . I didn't believe it . But then I did because I seen him back stage .

Look weak . Pale face . Blood everywhere . He was dying

My hair got pulled getting it  pulled back .

" Stop that pussy ass crying .!" A man had yelled in my ear . But that only made me cry harder .

" I know what she needs ." one said walking up to the man and I . As I got punched in the face by the man . I fell to the side holding my now bloody nose .

Groaning in pain . I looked at them and my eyes widened as I seen a needle , a baggie and a rubber rope ..

" Don't move ... Or you'll overdose .."

~Hey guys !! Sorry I've been gone ): I've been working a lot and a lot has happened but I've finally updated at 12:35 am . But is Diego really dead ?? Maybe he really is ... But he's not ...... Who knows . And thank you for 13K+ reads and 500+ votes that's amazing . Means a lot ... But vote , vote for the next chapter . I'll update when I get 20 votes (; xxxSkyler ~

*Sorry for any misspelled words , or bad grammar . I suck at it . But trying to improve (: so please work with me*

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