Chapter 8

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~Just to let you guys know , that this is gonna be a Diego Flash back 💔 ~

   The world stopped as so did my heart .  I stared at my uncle with guilt , sadness and anger .

" W-what'd you mean she's GONE !" My voice boomed threw the hospital halls . No tears had fallen yet since we've been here at the hospital . Them trying to save my mothers life .

" I needa see her ! And take her home ." I whispered as I ran down the hall as my uncle called after me . I ran into room  666 . My eyes widen . There she was laying there looking  helpless , gone but so beautiful . I quickly locked the door so none would come in .
As I made my way over to her as I was using the wall for support .

I sat in the single chair that sat in front of my mother . I took her cold hand .

" Come on mom . We gotta go home . " I said in a low voice . " I can make you breakfast in bed ! Like always remember ??" I added having a weak smile wishing , hoping she'll open her beautiful green eyes ..

~Not sure if Diego's mother eyes are has  green eyes . But we're just gone fuck wit  green eyes 🤘🏼  gang !! 🤣~

" come on wake up ! Wake up ! WAKE UP ! WAKE UP MOM !" I finally snap tears after tears falling . My head snap to the lock door that shown nursesmy uncle and security banging on the door . But I didn't careMy mom was all I had left , and now I have none ..

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