Chapter 4: Practice

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I slowly wake up to find myself in my room with my dad sitting in my chair by my desk. 

"What happened?" I ask him.

He realizes that I'm awake and sits on the end of my bed. He explains everything that happened a couple hours earlier.

"What am I? Am I like one of those mutants on the news?" 

"Yes (Y/n). You are." 

I kept quiet for awhile until Dad finally breaks the silence, "Has this happened before?"

"A couple times, all today though. That is another reason why I showed up at the station. Stephanie and I were fighting again but this time when I got mad, the lights started to flicker on and off like earlier. Also when Stephanie was about to hit me, here hand stopped inches before my face." I tell him, "Also when I was standing up for a girl on the bus. When the man started to walk towards me, he couldn't. Once I calmed down, he was free and ran out at the next bus stop."

"Okay. So you didn't do anything extreme like earlier?" 

"No." I tell him truthfully. "What am I going to do?" 

"Try to control it. And don't use your powers during school or any public place. The only place you are allowed to use your mutations is when you are at home. Even then, you still have to be careful." I tells me.

"Okay. But how do you know so much about Mutants?" I ask. 

He replies, "Your mom was a mutant. She explained all this to me when she found out she was extremely ill. She thought you might be one too. She was right." 

"You've never talked about mom before..." I mutter. 

I guess he didn't hear me or just ignored my comment. Right after I muttered that, he stood up to leave. "You should get more sleep. I will call the school tomorrow to tell them you are sick. I don't want you to be going out right now." He says before he shuts the door to leave. 

I slightly nod my head. 'I guess I'm stuck here for awhile.' I think to myself.  'Hey! What if I practice my mutations here?'

I start thinking of me bringing my water bottle on my desk towards me. As I think of it, it comes towards me. 

"Yes!" I whisper. 

I think of it going back on my desk. It does so. 

I continue to practice for awhile until I decide to practice my other mutation. Absorbing energy and light. I turn on my lamp on my bedside table and try to turn the light off using my absorbing mutation. 

Nothing happened. 'C'mon, (Y/n). You can do this.' I continue to try until I start to feel weak. I decide to call it a night and go to bed. Half of me hoping it was just a crazy dream I'm about to wake up from and the other half hoping the exact opposite. 

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