Christmas Special

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(A/n): Hey guys! Merry Christmas! Or whatever you celebrate! This is a one-shot that has nothing to do with the actual story. This takes place during Christmas and Scott and (Y/n) are already dating. They are already adults by this point. 


(Y/n)- your name

(F/b)- favorite book

(Y/n)'s POV:

I sit by the window, bundled up with blankets, watching the snow with my favorite book, (F/b),  in hand. 

"Hey babe." I hear from behind me.

I turn to see Scott, holding two mugs. He passes me one and sits next to me. "What are you reading?" 

"(F/b)." I answer taking sip of the warm drink. "What have you been up to?" I ask.

"I've just been figuring out what to get you for Christmas. And I think I have the best idea yet." 

"Oh yeah? Well I think my gift for you will be so much better." 

Every year, even before we started dating, Scott and I would have small competitions of whose gift was better. 

"Mmm... I don't think so..." He says getting up and slowly walking away. 

--*Time Skip*--

It has been a few days now and it's finally time to give each other our gifts. 

I got Jean and Kitty 'best friends necklace', one that won't break if we go into battle. Over the years Jean, Kitty, and I have become best friends, through thick and thin we would always be there for each other. 

I got the Professor a pen with the engravement, 'Professor'. 

I got the rest a bunch of cookies and snacks. 

And finally I got Scott a watch, the exact watch he's been wanting for awhile.

It was now his turn to give me my present. 

He hands me a small box, it wasn't as small as a ring box, but it was fairly small. 

I open it to see a charm bracelet with one charm on it. 

A ring. Not just any ring, it was an engagement ring. 

I look up at Scott, only to find him on one knee. With another small box, but this one was as big as a ring box. 

He opens it up, "I've been wanting to do this for awhile now... (Y/n) you're the love of my life. I love all your quirks and insecurities. I love you for you... And I know this is very cheesy, proposing on Christmas Day, but I'm  gonna do it anyways." I start to giggle. As he just smiles.  "Will you, (Y/n) (L/n), marry me?" 

"Yes! Of course!" I squeal rushing towards him. 

At the same time, he gets up and opens his arms. I hug him as hard as I can. 

I hear him whisper in my ear, "I love you, (Y/n)." 

"I love you too." 

As we pull apart we see everyone around us in tears, passing a tissue box around.  

"That was the cutest thing I've ever seen!" Kurt cries, pulling a tissue with his tail. 


Hey guys! I had no idea what to write, but I wanted to. I know it's really cheesy but still!!!! 

xoxo -MangoAmethyst

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