Chapter 5: Invitations

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(F/B/B)- favorite breakfast food

Sunlight shines through the large window of my bedroom, waking me up.

Questions flood my mind such as, 'Was all that real?', 'Did all of that happen?', and 'Was it all a dream?' I test out my powers to see if it really was real. I think of my pencil on my desk and it coming towards me. The pencil rises up and rushes towards me, before it can hit my face, it stops right in between my eyes, levitating.

I remained still, slowly bringing up my hand to the pencil to grab it. 'So it is all real.' I conclude in my head. After laying in bed for a few minutes, I hear my stomach grumble, and pretty loudly too. "No! I want to stay in bed all day!" I complain. The same grumbling noise begins again. "Fine.." All I want to do is stay in bed.

Grabbing my blanket with me, I tumble out of bed, and trudge my way to the kitchen. I grab the ingredients to (F/B/B) and start cooking.

——Time Skip——

I was just on the couch, watching Netflix when my dad finally comes home. But with him are a few people, a bald man in a wheelchair and two teens my age. The guy had brown hair and had sunglasses on. The girl had beautiful red hair, and pretty much looked normal.

"(Y/n), this is Professor Xavier, Scott Summers, and Jean Grey." Dad introduces.

"Hey! I'm (Y/n) but you probably already know that..." I say awkwardly.

"Yes, I was hoping to speak with both you and your dad about some important matters." Professor Xavier says.

"What might that be?" I ask.

"You might need to sit down for this." Jean tells Dad and I.

We make our way to the couch, and start to talk there.

"You have probably noticed some strange things going on around you."

"I have. I also know that I am the cause of these 'strange things'." I tell them.

"Yes, you are. And that is why I'm here. I run a boarding school/home that helps people with special gifts, like you."

I remain silent and continue to listen.

"There we teach them to control their gifts and use it for the better."

"So, you want me to go there?" I look at my dad, sending him a questioning look.

"(Y/n), I think this is what is best for you. There you would be able to control your powers and be around people like you." Dad tells me.

I look at Jean and Scott, "So do you guys go there?"

"Yes we do." Scott answers.

"What are your guys' 'gifts'?" I ask.

Jean answers first, "I have telekinetic and telepathic abilities like you. But you also have energy absorbing powers."

"Cool. How 'bout you?" I ask Scott.

"In short terms, I shoot lasers out of my eyes."

"Awesome! Can you guys control your powers yet?"

"Jean does have control over hers but Scott here is still working on it." Professor Xavier answers.

"Okay. So I'm guessing you have a 'gift' too, right?" I ask Professor Xavier.

"Yes, I do. I have the same as you and Jean. I have telekinetic and telepathic abilities."

"Okay. Can I have some time to think about it?" I ask.

"Of course! We will be back in a couple of days to hear your answer."

"Thank you for hearing us out, (Y/n)."

"No problem! But thank you for coming." I say walking them out.

I shut the door after them and lean on it, slowly sliding down.

'What do I do?'

————————————————————————————————————————————————— Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my books and adding it to your reading lists! Your support really is appreciated! This chapter is probably the longest one I have written yet... Again thank you!!!!

Xoxo ~MangoAmethyst

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