Chapter 4 - the beginning or the end

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"Emily." I said as I shook her awake.

"What?" She said all groggily.

"You have to leave for school in 10 minutes. I need you to get up."

"Ugh." She said as she practically threw herself out of bed.

"Come here." I walked into her bathroom.

She followed behind with her arms crossed.

"What are we doing?" She asked.

"Well, I can tell you don't feel too much like getting ready, so I figured I would help you. Not that you need to do too much, you're so beautiful as it is." I smiled at her and motioned for her to turn around.

I put her hair in a messy bun; grabbed her hand and led her downstairs.

"Now, should I assume you have detention today as well."

"All week." She rubbed her eyes.

"Alright, I'll pick you up at 5." I told her as I grabbed her a banana and headed out the door.

We got in my comfortable, red for mustang.

"Eat." I told her as we drove to school.

"I'm not hungry."

"Emily, please don't pull that right now. You need to eat."

She sighed and took a bite.


I don't know why Demi didn't believe me. I'm really not hungry or my stomach's not growling anyways. Oh, well, I guess I can just get rid of it once I get to school.

I took a bite.

Demi looked over at me and smiled.

"Don't be too proud." I mumbled under my breath, thinking Demi couldn't hear me. I guess I was wrong though as immediately after I said that, she put her hand on top of my hand.

"Bye." I said as we got to school.


I glanced at her.

"Call me if you need anything, alright." She said.

I nodded.

"And don't make your detention longer." She said while trying to sound serious, but I could tell she wanted to laugh.

I nodded and left in a hurry. Of course I went straight to the bathroom, if the first bell rings, I just don't won't go to class. You know, wouldn't want to be late.

I threw up all of those 500 calories from the banana. I mean I'm just guessing; I don't actually know how much calories are in a humongous banana like that. Could be more.

First bell rang and sure enough, I didn't go to class. You didn't think I was joking, right? This stuff is normal for me. Who needs school anyways? It's just a big waste of time. A bully trap, that's what it is.

"She's in here." I heard someone who sounded like Ashley say. Oh no. I thought.

I could here Ashley and her crew taking fast steps on the tile floor. They started beating on every stall door. I quickly stood on the edges of the toilet.

"We see you." She said before I managed to actually get on the toilet.

"Yeah, you can't hide." Marissa (the second meanest girl) said.

I held in my sobs as much as possible, occasionally letting one out by accident.

Don't let her see your hurt.

You can hold it in and cut later.

You see, Ashley can sense when someone's in pain. She picks on people when she knows they're weak. I guess I'm her weakling. I'm her victim. I'm her prey.

I heard the door close and I quitely crept out.

"Look, there she is." Ashley smirked. "Told you it would work." She looked at Marissa.

Ashley came up; grabbed me by my shoulders and threw me in to the stall door.

Her crew started laughing.

"Get lost fatty." Ashley said as they walked out of the bathroom.

Immediately, I went back into the bathroom and started slicing open my skin.

Blood started trickling out and I put a paper towel on them. None of them were too deep, just the average deep. You know, deep, but not hospital deep.

I dug my phone out of my backpack and called Demi.

"Hey Demi", I said between sobs.

"What's wrong baby girl?"

"Just come pick me up please. I can't do this anymore." I told her.

"Of course sweetie. I'm on my way. I'll call your school. Are you in class?"

"No, the b-bathroom. Please d-don't be mad." I stuttered.

"Hunny, I'm not mad. I'm just glad you called. "Do I need to meet you in the bathroom?"

"Please. I'm in the one on the fourth floor."

"Okay, baby girl. I'll be there soon." I could sense her smiling on the other end of the line.


Crap, I hope everything's okay.

"Hello, I'm pulling Emily out of school. I'm gonna start homeschooling her", I told the secretary.

"Okay, I'll let her homeroom teacher know."

"That won't be necessary."

"Oh..." She said sounding confused.

I went to the school and went up to the bathroom to get Emily.

"Emily, are you in here?" I said, knocking on each stall door.

"Are you the only one in here?" She asked.

"I am baby girl."

"I made a mistake." She told me.

"That's okay, we all make mistakes.

She opened the door and came out.

"Do you have any bandaids?" She asked.

I dug in my purse; led her back into the stall and started bandaging her wrist.

"All better." I said whilst smiling at her.

"Thank you." She said.

"No problem."

"So, what happened?" I asked her as we headed out the door.

"Just normal bullying stuff."

"Baby girl. I wish you would've talked to me."

"Sorry." She looked down.

"Hunny, I'm not mad. I just want you to know I'm here for you." I lifted her chin up."

She smiled.

"I am also going to start homeschooling you."

"Oh, okay." She perked up.

We got in the car and drove home.

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