Chapter 17 - Our Little Adventure

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Emily's POV:

I got up off the couch.

"Where are you going?" Demi asked.

"Bathroom. You have a problem with that?"

Without responding, she followed me.

"What do you think you're doing, bitch?"

"Just want to make sure you're okay."

'Ugh, whatever. Quit following me." I said.

As I walked into the bathroom, there she was, trailing behind me.

"Demi, please. I'm not going to do anything."

"Okay." She said as she sat on her bed and proceeded with, "just leave the door open a crack, please."

"Ugh, Demi."

"Ugh, Emily." She retorted.

I half-smiled.

"I love you. Please leave the door opened at least a crack."

I sighed and did as she said.

I went into the bathroom and very quietly, grabbed the blade out of my bra.

I slashed my left wrist over and over again till I was very satisfied with a deep, gaping cut.

I put several bandaids on my bleeding wrist. I never wait till it finishes bleeding. Assuming that it is going to be okay is the way I prefer to go.

I walked out of the bathroom and immediately Demi told me to strip down.

"I'm not fucking taking off my clothes, pervert."

"No." Demi chuckled and continued with "I just want to make sure there are no more cuts. Clothes off, please."

"Ugh, this is stupid." I said as I took off all of my clothes except my undergarments.

"Oh Emily." She said as her eyes locked on the blood soaked bandages.

"Sweetie." She said, pausing. She proceeded with "what made you do this?"

"Nothing." I responded.

"Emily. Honey, hiding the reason is only gonna cause you more pain.

"Okay." I said while putting my pants on.

"Alright." She sighed and said "just let me put some peroxide on it before you put on your shirt.

"Demi, do you know how fucking embarrassing this is?!?!" I half-yelled.

"Yes." She said while dabbing peroxide on my arm, which stung like a motherfucker by the way.

I winced in pain. "Sorry." She said.

I sighed as she bandaged it back up.

I shoved past her, as I headed to bed, putting my shirt on in the process.

"Night." Demi said as she got in bed with me.

"Night." I mumbled.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Worst. Sound. Ever.

"Come on Emily! Get up!" Demi said while gently shaking me.

"Ow." I winced.

"Oh sorry", she paused and continued with "honey, get up. We're going to the zoo today."

"Ugh." I rolled over, so I wasn't facing her.

"Emily. Get up or I'll lift you out of bed."

"Demi. I need my beauty sleep."

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