Chapter 43 - Hemorrhage

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Demi's POV:

"Morning Emily." I said as she walked in to the kitchen.

"I made some coffee." I told her, pouring her a cup and sitting it in front of her.

"Why don't you go use the restroom, before breakfast." I told her.

"Okay." She replied.

She got up and headed to the restroom.

"Door stays open a crack." I reminded her.

I hope she's okay. I'm hardly getting any responses from her this morning.

She came out and sat back down at the table.

I sat a couple poptarts and a banana in front of her.

"No halfs?" She asked.

"You're eating for two. I'm sorry." I told her.

"Fuck." I heard her mumble.

"I have some family coming over for lunch later." I told her.

"Like I care." She held her middle finger up.

"Emily, please don't do this." I scolded.

"Do what?" She asked as if she didn't realize what she was doing.


Mom (Dianna), dad (Eddie), Dallas, and Maddie all showed up in one car.

"Hey." I said, giving them hugs as they walked through the door.

"Hey. How's Emily?" My mom asked, concerned.

"She's good. She's in her room right now. I'll go get her." I told her.

"Our family's here." I told Emily.

"And that's supposed to concern me because?" She asked.

"They want to see you." I told her.

"I'm four months pregnant. I'm huge." She told me.

"That's because you've got a little person in there. You look fine." I told her.

"Just fine?" She asked, smirking.

"Beautiful. Come join us." I told her, grabbing her hand and led her out of her room.

"Watch TV or something. I'm gonna cook dinner." I told her.

Emily's POV:

"Watch TV or something. I'm gonna cook dinner." Demi requested.

I turned on the ID channel and watched some show where criminals talk about their childhoods.

"Lunch is ready!" Demi hollered.

I sat down at the table.

"Sorry." Demi apologized as she sat a heaping plate of chicken and noodles and mashed potatoes in front of me.

"Wow, thanks." I said as Demi sat down beside me.

"You're eating for two." She reminded.

"Whatever." I mumbled, slowing eating it bite by bite.

I know what you're thinking, that's a lot of food. Trust me, I feel bloated more and more as I eat, but, like Demi said, I'm eating for two. I've gotta take good care of this baby. Plus, the las thing I want is for the gynecologist to find out about my eating disorder.

"I have to pee." I told Demi.

"Fine, go, but only cause you're pregnant and I'm sure you really do have to.

I went in to the bathroom, fighting the urge to throw up everything I just ate.

I can make up for all the food I ate, after I give birth. I'll just starve myself till I die, then Demi can have the baby, I am sure she's always wanted. Much better than a teenager.

I pulled down my pants.

Crap. I thought you didn't get periods when you're pregnant.

I dug around under the sink, looking for a pad or tampon. She can't possibly be out. She never runs out.

Demi, I'm on my period and you don't have any pads or tampons. I texted her.

Period? She texted back.

I heard knocking at the door and quickly pulled up my pants, opening the door.

Demi closed the door behind her.

"Honey, what do you mean you're on your period? You're pregnant." She said.

"I'm bleeding... down there." I told her.

"Hold on, stay here. I'll be right back." She told me, quickly leaving the bathroom.

She came back with her purse and dug out a pad.

"Put this in, we're going to the gynecologist." She told me.

"Why? It's just a period." She said.

"Honey, you don't get periods when your pregnant. We need to get this checked out."

She left the bathroom and I put it in.

"We gotta leave guys." Demi said, handing grandma the key to lock up the house when they leave.

"Where are you going?" Eddie asked.

"We just have a little emergency. We're fine. I'll talk to you guys later." Demi said and with that, we left.

Moments later we arrived at the gynecologist's office.

"Emily!" My gynecologist called me in.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asked me.

I looked at Demi.

"Her vagina's bleeding." Demi told her.

"Way to be discreet." I whispered.

"I see." The woman said.

She took an xray of the baby and then showed us the picture.

"Where's the baby?" I asked.

"You lost the baby. I'm sorry." The woman said, trying to give me a hug.

I pulled away.

"I was actually looking forward to having the baby. It was for you." I looked at Demi.

"For me?" She asked.

"Your gift. I was going to have the baby and then die of hunger. You've always wanted a baby." I told her, tears running down my cheeks.

"I want you more." Demi came over and embraced me in a hug.

"I'm sorry." I told her.

"Honey, you have nothing to be sorry for." She told me.

"Come on, lets' go home." Mom told me and we left.


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