Chapter 38 - The Flyer

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"So Dems. I know you're still pissed at me over the whole sex thing, but I was thinking, it might be good for you if I got out of your hair for a little while." I said, looking Demi directly in the eyes.

"Umm." Demi swiped my hair out of my face and said "I don't out of my hair. I love you baby girl."

"I'll be right back." I bolted out of my seat and ran upstairs.

"What are you doing?" I heard Demi say.

Minutes later, I came back downstairs and placed a flyer on the table.

It read:

Camp Melody

Ages: 13-17

Seeking counselors of any age, preferable in the 20-30 age range and great with kids. Music experience is a must.

Amazing celebrity teachers!

Dance: Selena Gomez

Instruments: Taylor Swift

Still seeking someone to teach vocals (singing)! Celebrity preferred, but not required!

Call or text the camp director Melody Stephens at (634)925-6789 for more information.

"This camp sounds amazing! How come I've never heard of it?" Demi said enthusiastically.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'll make you a deal." She looked me dead in the eyes and said, "you can go. I think it'd be great for you, but under one condition. I am the counselor in whatever room you are in."

"Their not going to let you be." I said.

"If you are going, I will make sure that I am."

"Fine." I slammed my hands on the table.

"I would also like to fill out an application to be the vocal teacher. I think that sounds like a lot of fun." She said.

"Of course you do. Why can't I go on my own. I'm tired of you being everywhere I am, all up in my hair, like earlier today, for instance!!!" I yelled, throwing the chair in to the wall, causing it to break in half.

"Why don't you go take a seat on the couch and we will talk when you have calmed yourself down." She said.

Demi's POV:

Damn. Try to be protective over my own fucking daughter and she throws a chair in to the wall.

"Why don't you go take a seat on the couch and we will talk when you have calmed yourself down." I tried to calmly say.

"Whatever." She said, flipping the table and heading to the couch.

"Happy!" She yelled, sitting down.

I didn't reply.

"Oh, so now you're silent." She mumbled.

"Emily Renae. That is enough. If I were you, I would keep your mouth shut, because you are about to be in a hell of a lot of grounding." I scolded.

She didn't reply.


After she calmed down, I went and sat by her.

"I just got off the phone with Melody, the Camp Director. I am officially the counselor for the 13 year old girls. Some of them anyways, including you."

"Ugh, why can't I just go alone?" She folded her arms.

I looked her in the eyes and firmly stated "I don't think you're ready."

"Oh." She looked down.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of. Give it time and maybe next year you can go. Anyways, I am also the vocal teacher. I have to head to camp a week early. We have to head to camp a week early as I need to get prepared to teach. So it will just be you and I in a room for a little while. We leave tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? I didn't realize it was that soon." She said.

"I didn't either. According to Melody, the start date for camp is next Wednesday. I guess they forgot to put it on the flyer." I said.

"Morons." She mumbled.

"Hey now. Be nice." I said.

I patted her back and said, "come on. I'll help you pack. We're getting on our jet at five in the morning."

"Holy crap." She said.

Emily's POV:

She patted my back and said, "come on. I'll help you pack. We're getting on our jet at five in the morning."

"Holy crap." I said.

" I can pack on my own though." I told her.

"No no. I want to see what you put in your bag."

"Come on Demi. I'm not going to pack any of those." I told her.

"I wish I could believe you. Come on, let's just go quickly pack."

I followed Demi upstairs, knowing I wasn't getting a choice.

I threw in a few short sleeve shirts, a few long sleeve shirts, my black ripped jeans, gray ripped jeans, forest green ripped jeans (I have a lot of ripped jeans, I know), and of course, my leather jeans and some bracelets.

I can tell Demi knew why I was packing those. She for real gave me a death glare.

"I'm not going to do anything." I told her.

"I remember making that promise too."

"I'll take your bag downstairs. You are sleeping in with me tonight." I told her.

"Seriously Demi. I'm fine." I told her.

"You say you're fine, but your eyes say otherwise. Come on." She grabbed my hand. I gasped and flinched.

She stopped and turned my hand over, so she could see the palm.

"Why on your hand?" She asked me.

"For a start, I thought it wouldn't be that noticeable." I told her.

"Okay, but what's the real reason you cut here?" She asked me.

I looked down and said, "it stings every time I put it under the water." She hugged me and led me to her room.

She threw my a black panic at the disco shirt and some sweats to sleep in.

I grabbed them and headed to the bathroom.

I walked out in the shirt and sweats with my jacket on over the shirt.

"Emily, you're going to get to hot." Demi said, chuckling a little.

"I'm fine." I replied.

"Come on. Take the jacket off or if you're uncomfortable, I can get you a long sleeved shirt." I nodded at the last option.

She took out a long sleeved shirt with Elvis Presley's face on it and handed it to me.

I went back into the bathroom, changed, and got in bed with Demi who apparently had changed while I was in the bathroom.

"Goodnight Emily. Sweet dreams." She said, while kissing the top of my head.

With that, I drifted off in to sleep.


Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!


So, Demi, Taylor, and Selena are all counselors at the camp. I might throw Nick in there as well. We'll see!

Some questions:

Should Emily get pregnant?

If Nick were at the camp, what should his role be?

Anything exciting you want to happen at the camp?

Any other suggestions or ideas?

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