Chapter 10 - This is a Part of Me

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***trigger warning (just talks about how she got the scars)***

Emily's POV:

"I... Uhm..." I fumbled with my fingers.

"Emily." She pulled my chin up, so I was looking directly into her eyes, then proceeded with "it's okay. Tell me okay. I want to help you."

"I-I don't need help."

"Emily. I mean this in the least offensive way, but you have scars almost completely covering both of your arms. You're not okay. Please tell me, alright?"

I looked down, then said "kids at school, they... They're a-always c-calling me f-fat or a p-pig. N-now th-that I-I don't go to p-public school, th-they j-just text me what th-they want to say i-instead. I-if I-I c-cut, th-the p-pain goes away." Tears rolled rapidly down my cheeks. I couldn't hold it anymore. I just can't.

Demi's POV:

I can't believe what she's telling me. I knew that she got bullied, but I didn't know it was this bad and still continuing.

"Sweetie." I wiped the tears off her cheeks and then proceeded with "you're not fat. No where near it. You are a beautiful beautiful girl, who's now officially a woman."

"Don't call me that." She snapped.

"Sweetie, there's nothing wrong with being a woman. I'm a woman."

"But I'm eleven."

"Never too early." I smiled at her.

She rolled her eyes, then got up off the couch.

"When are we going on tour?"

"Not sure, but I'll find out. Do you want to go grab some Starbucks?"

"Sure. I love Starbucks."

"Awesome." I grabbed my jacket, purse, and of course keys and we headed out.

We got into my black Ford mustang and headed to Starbucks.

"One vente mocha frapeccino and one..." I looked at Emily.

"Black coffee." She said.

"That's it?" I asked her.

She nodded her head.

"Okay. Make it a vente." I told the lady.

"Alright. That'll be $11.59."

Emily pulled a $5 bill out of her pocket and handed it to me.

"I'll pay for it."

"Why? Starbucks is expensive."

"I'm also rich and you're my daughter." I told her.

We sat down, patiently waiting for out coffee.

"Demi!" The woman called out.

I grabbed both our coffees, put a straw in mine and brought them to the table.

"Careful, it's hot." I warned her.

"No shit."

We both chuckles and sipped on her coffee.

Emily's POV:

"Careful, it's hot." Demi said.

"No shit." I told her.

Like really? Coffee's hot? Who would've guessed?

We both chuckled.

"Okay, smartass." She said.

We smiled at each other and left the coffee shop, grabbing our coffees. We can't drink it that quickly.

We got into Demi's smoking hot car and drove away.

Yup... This is life as a Lovato.

Thanks for reading!

Hope you guys are enjoying reading this chapter!

What's your favorite album of Demi's?

Have a great day/night!

Stay strong lovatics!

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