n i n e t e e n

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"guys! we're invited to America to attend the AMA's and other talk shows," namjoon announced.

"oh shit, that means we can only speak english. fuck" jimin complained.

"just let namjoonie do all the talking, he did it back at the BBMA's" hoseok said, clapping namjoon on the back.

"or you could always bullshit your way through every interview like we did at the BBMA-"

"guys c'mon, you need to talk in interviews too, it can't always just be me. you studied more english since May right? you should be good." namjoon said.

"taehyung are you alright?" jungkook asked, noticing how unusually quiet he's been.

"just peachy" taehyung said, throwing on a fake smile. jungkook rolled his eyes.

"i told you i'm sorry, but i can't help how i feel, okay?" jungkook said. the members looked confused.

"long story." jungkook waved it off.

"no it's not. jungkook over here rejected me for yoongi hyung. i was heartbroken," taehyung yelled. 

"okay i'm sorry i don't have feelings for you? but you can't force me to. i'm dating yoongi." jungkook argued.

"he's right, taehyu-"

"don't pick his side!"

"why are most of you opposed to the idea of me and jungkook dating? is it because you can't get dick of your own? shut the fuck up." yoongi yelled, grabbing jungkooks hand and leading him upstairs.

"maybe there's a reason they don't want us together. maybe it's a sign, hyung" jungkook said.

"what? no, baby, they're just jealous. right?"


QOTD: i have 2 questions that kinda tie together;

1. thoughts on polyamorous characters in fanfics?

2. do you have any poly ships? (ot3, ot4, ot5, ot6, ot7)

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