SaTzu Ch.3

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Evening striked, and Sana was about to cook dinner when a knock came.

"Who is it?"


Her heart skipped a beat and hurriedly lanked her way towards the door but before she could even turn the knob, she hastily fixed her clothes and combed her hair through her fingers. She then opened it.

"Oh. Are you about to go to sleep?"

Was the first thing the taller girl had asked after seeing her current state.

A large loose white shirt with a mini shorts underneath, and a light blue stripes knee socks. Her hair was so messy that combing it with her fingers can't even straighten it out.

As Tzuyu digested the view in front of her, a light blush appeared over her cheeks. She got to admit that Sana looked so hot in that. Not like she can say that out loud.

"Oh. . . Sorry, this is my usual clothes. Come in." She moved away to give space.

"What's this?"

Tzuyu held out the sticky note that was attached on the door and reads it.

"I won't accept any gifts from whoever you are if you can't show your face!"


Sana's face became beet red and snatched the paper away from the latter. She then turned around avoiding Tzuyu seeing her face.

She can't even believe that out of all the people would ask, the one who threw the question was her one and only crush. Her embarrassment couldn't even be faltered now.


Pulling the taller girl in who expertly avoided the pizza box and drinks on hand from hitting her and getting spilled.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry!" She yelped while her eyes closed. When the latter chuckled she then opened her eyes.

"It's okay."

Tzuyu then closed the door and settled the food on the table. She then helped Sana to take her seat before sitting across her.

"Have you eaten dinner?" Tzuyu asked.

"I-I was about to cook."

The latter looked at her in disbelief. "You mean eating cup noodles?"

"Ye-I mean, No! I was really about to cook when you came." She pouted making the younger one smiled.

Tzuyu noticed the grocery bags on the counter top and looked at the latter.

"Gone for grocery?"

Sana shook her head. "Honestly, someone kept sending those. I don't know who and it's creeping me out."

The taller girl looked back at the bag then back to her. "Is that why you put a letter on your door?"

Sana just nodded. "I don't know. It's creeping me out."

The latter just nodded and decided to changed the topic for a better atmosphere. "Well, I brought pizza."

"Thank you for bothering."

Tzuyu just looked at her with a blank expression. "It wasn't a bother at all."

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