SaTzu Ch.9

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"I'm just kidding,"

Sana snapped her head up and finds an amused Tzuyu. She is totally confused right now.


Tzuyu tried not to laugh at Sana's confused face.

"I was just joking when I said help me to get the girl I like."

Sana can already feel the heavy weight lifted off her shoulder. And she tried her best not to smile.

"Then why did you say it?" Sana replied as she looked away and tried to focus on dancing. She then felt the latter shrugged.

"I just wanted to know your reaction."

"Why?" She glanced at the latter then back to the view around them. 'What is she trying to pull?'


Sana heard the girl hummed.

"What do girls like? Just curious," Tzuyu changed the topic and asked like it was the most obvious question in the world—but not to Sana.

"Well," Sana thought since the latter is probably just curious. "Girls like to be treated like a princess."

"Hmm, like Fiona?"

Sana shot a disgusted look at Tzuyu who is now in the verge of laughing out loud. She can clearly see how the taller girl is holding herself not to grin, her dimple is really deep as of the moment.

"Yah, Tzuyu!"

Tzuyu chuckled lightly after getting slapped on her shoulder. "Okay, okay, sorry." She hummed. "What else?"

Sana tilted her head. "Little gifts."


"Hmm, basically just anything that is cute and cuddly or something that is considered as sweet."

"Oh, okay. What else? Do girls also like to ride on cars? or Motorcycles?"

Sana thought hard. "Obviously, it is a yes. But, girls don't really wish for someone who had rides."

"But if you were to choose a ride?"

"Hmm, I really wanted to try riding a motorbike." Sana giggled. "But I find those things dangerous than a four-wheeled vehicle."

"Okay," Tzuyu pulled away and twirl her around and hugged her much closer. Sana's mind went blank. "What else?"

"H-Huh? Oh, uhm. . . I can't think of any. But girls basically likes almost anything that is considered romantic. You get the idea."

Tzuyu nodded. "I sure did." She then added a smirk when Sana wasn't looking.

Later on, the song ended and guide Sana back to their table. Acting like a gentleman and all, she pulled out her chair and pushed it back in after Sana took a seat. Tzuyu then gave Nayeon and Mina a signal to stay put and let her do the serving.

"Do you want something to eat, Sana?" Tzuyu asked as she lowered to the latter's level.

Sana, on the other hand, was taken aback. She's not sure what is happening this very surprising.


"Oh, uhm. . . I'll—"

"I'll get it for you, so what do you want?" Tzuyu smiled.

What else, Sana gave in. She just couldn't argue with Tzuyu dimples.

"Same as yours."

"Okay, wait a bit."

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