SaTzu Ch.1

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    An unknown guy was peeking from the corner while watching a certain girl inside her classroom packing things up to go home. He took a grip of his neatly wrapped red rose and a small box of chocolates in both hands. Gulping, he tries to relaxed himself before pursuing the beauty that is left inside.

   'Minatozaki Sana, will you go out with me?' he mentally practiced his lines as his breathing become labored due to nervousness. But then his thoughts were cut off when he felt a tap on his shoulder making him turn around.

   "Mind asking, what are you doing?"

   His eyes went wide, like he had seen a ghost, he back away from the person. Away from the classroom even. "Wh-Why do you care?"

   The person rolled his eyes. "Are you trying to hit on her?" A smirked marked on his face making the guy shudder and back against the wall.

  "Why do you care anyway? I-It's not like she's your girlfriend!" He spatted. Clearly his words stabbed like a dagger that obviously didn't faze the latter. His words quivered out of terror as he tried to pry him off away.

   The latter just gave him a blank stare and turned his back against him. But before the person left, turning his neck sideways meeting his shaken eyes.

   "Suit yourself."

   Those two words made every suitor shudder. The man ran away before the latter could even took a step forward. Dropping all his gifts on the ground, the intimidator smirked and picked it up before throwing it onto the trash bin.

   "He shouldn't litter around."

   Taking a glimpse at the girl inside who's still busy arranging things in her bag. The unknown person muttered something to himself before walking away with a stoic expression.



(Sana's Side)

   Sana zipped her bag before slinging her it onto her shoulder. She sighed as how heavy it is, not to mention the books she borrowed from the library during lunch.

   As she made her way out, she made sure that the classroom was locked. Glancing from both opposite directions, all she can see is an empty hallway deprived from students. Sometimes, she finds their school a bit calming since the sea of students then disappeared by four in the afternoon, except for some sports club.

   "Hmm. . . The silence sure is creepy sometimes." She mumbled to herself as she hugged the two books while walking along the deserted corridor.

   Her usual route always has to pass by the gymnasium where basketball players tend to practice til late at night especially when the tournament is coming near.

   Hearing skids and running footsteps, she took a peek inside. There, she found the girl's basketball team. Deciding to watch them through the ajared door, her heartbeat skipped when her eyes laid on that certain person.

   "Chou!" The other girl shouted as she passed the ball to the said girl. When it was caught, stepping on the three-point line she then do a fade-away shot as she avoided the opponent's defense.

   "Nice! Another three points!" Another girl ran up to the three pointer and do a high-five. "You're not our MVP for nothing."

    "Okay! That's it for today!" The coached clapped his hands signaling them to prepare for going home.

   Sana, on the other hand, can't help but blush. She bit her lip in the process as she backed away from the metal door. She then sighed.

  "It's been years since I fell in love with her. Was it even love anyway?" Another sigh escaped from her lips as she adjusted her glasses and books onhold before walking away. "Too bad for me though. She doesn't notice or know me even." Chuckling bitterly as she felt her heart getting crushed.

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