SaTzu Ch.14

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(Sana's Side)

Finally, the ground. Is what Sana was thinking the moment they got off the plane. They are still in the airport while rolling their luggages along.

"Are you hungry, Sana?" Tzuyu asked, she then automatically intertwine their fingers resulting a flinch from her.

Sana's face was then again painted in red hue, she clearly can't understand why Tzuyu is suddenly weaving their fingers together. But what ever it is, she sure is enjoying their kneaded hands.

"N-No, I'm fine."

Tzuyu small gestures didn't even lead her to think of any thing romantic, she just thought that the taller one is just used to holding hands and such.

When they reached outside the airport lobby, a black BMW and a chauffer is waiting for them. The man automatically greeted them in a bow—eventhough he's a  Swiss—he then took all their luggage and settled it on the cargo hold and opened the door for them.

As they are seated, they then slowly drived away from the area.

Sana, on the other hand, was too entertained with the view and forgotten about their weaved hands. She kept a constant tug on Tzuyu's hand when she sees something that she likes.

Tzuyu smiled in amusement, she was also busy admiring Sana's enjoyable reaction. She was just too cute.

"Wah! Tzuyu-ah, look!" Sana pointed out the large field full of cows.


(Tzuyu's Side)

"Yes, I can see that." Tzuyu replied without removing her eyes from the delighted latter. She was obviously satisfied at the squirrel's reaction.

Sana's happiness is Tzuyu's life.

"Ik geloof dat je verliefd bent op haar, Ms. Chou." The driver smiled as he glanced at the rear mirror.

(A/N: Trans: "I believe you are in love with her, Ms. Chou.")

Tzuyu smiled back and looked away from his teasing smirk. She then replied with a satisfied smile.

"Absoluut, gek, verliefd."

(A/N: Trans: "Absolutely, crazily, in love.")

Sana was curious about what they are saying and looked at Tzuyu in an asking manner.

"What?" Tzuyu raised a brow at her.

Sana beamed in excitement. "What are you talking about? You can also speak their language!"

"Of course, I was trained." She blandly replied, as if it wasn't any interesting.

"So, what did you guys talking about?"

Tzuyu felt her cheeks started to burn. "Nothing important, just about the hotels and such."

"Ahh, but it's still amazing you know how to speak their language! I like hearing you speaking Dutch! Say something again!"

Tzuyu's eyes sparkled with mirth. She then turned her head to fully face the curious squirrel.

"Ik ben smoorverliefd op jou."

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