SaTzu Ch.18

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(Tzuyu's Side)

When they arrived at Vietnam, Tzuyu said their hotel was at Ba Na Hill, Sana couldn't be anymore excited as how she kept fidgeting on her seat while they are still traveling along the way.

Reaching the base, they then got into one of the cable cars.

"It's almost half an hour ride up." Tzuyu said while reading a pamphlet about the Sun World.

Sana just nodded and kept looking around the scenery.

"Wahh~ Tzuyu-ah! Tzuyu-ah! Look!" Sana pointed out the wild waterfalls that they are currently passing by above it. Tzuyu smiled and patted her head.

Tzuyu then looked up the sky which is starting to turn into purple. Gladly they arrived before dinner time.

"So, Sana," Tzuyu started while glancing at the excited squirrel beside her. "Do you know where we are going?"

Sana looked back at her and shook her head. Tzuyu chuckled.

"It's called, Ba Na Hill. A place where French conquerors built during their time."

Sana nodded. "So, it looked like France?"

"Yes, somewhat like that obviously." Tzuyu rolled her eyes while looking away. She really can't believe Sana was asking for the obvious.

"Yah! Did you just roll your eyes on me?!"

Tzuyu glanced with a brow raised. "Did I?" She suddenly felt like teasing her girlfriend right now.

"Yes, you did!"

The latter pouted while Tzuyu tried to suppress her smiles and pretended to be intimidating.

"Do you have evidence? An accusation without proof is considered to be invalid."

Tzuyu smirked made Sana's brow twitched.

"I hate you!"

The taller girl let out a light laugh earning her a slap on her right arm.

"You always keep hitting me." She said while snaking an arm around the squirrel's waist. Tzuyu can feel Sana became tense under her touch, she then leaned closer to her ear. "How 'bout I'll hit you instead? A hit that can make you feel good."

Tzuyu tried her best not to smile, she then bit Sana's earlobe and nibbled it for a few seconds before pulling away. She can see how red Sana's face is making her smirk.

Oh how she loved to tease her girlfriend so much.

"Sana," Tzuyu called innocently. "Are you okay?"

The latter looked away which made her grin in no time.

"Pabo. . . " Sana whispered.

Tzuyu shook her head and looked outside waiting for them to reach their destination.
After checking in the hotel, they then got out to look for a restaurant. As they are walking along, Sana couldn't help but feel awed.

Ba Na Hill had a 15th century—like setting because of the fogs making the atmosphere a bit different from the modern France.

"It's much colder here than Paris." Sana observed as she rubbed her arms.

Tzuyu nodded. "This amusement park was built on top of the mountains where clouds can already pass by. The fogs you see were not really 'fogs' but rather clouds."

"You knew a lot," Sana smiled and linked their arms. "I like a smart asses."

"Thank you for the like~" Tzuyu grinned, she then pulled Sana in a classic-type of resto where she made a reservation.
"I'm tired." Sana complained the moment she reached their bed.

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