Got a new story! (Again)

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"SATZU"A story based on most votes

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A story based on most votes

Okay, it's like this.

The story will have a chapter called

It means,
this will be the "soon-to-be" scenario of the first chapter.

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3


Create will be like this;

1) Today will be a:

a. Sunny day
b. Rainy day
c. Stormy day
d. Snowy day

Highlight the letter you wanted

2) The first person will be:

a. Sana
b. Tzuyu

(Same, highlight the choice you wanted)

3) What will she do?

a. Make cheesekimbap
b. Build a snowman
c. Play under the rain
d. Sun bathing

(Same, highlight the choice you wanted)

4) After what she did, she will:

a. Take a cold bath
b. Wore an oversize coat
c. Open the fridge and stay there to cool down
d. Drink a hot choco

(Same, highlight the choice you wanted)

In this "Create" chapter
I will only give 5 questions.

Create chapter
will only last for ONE DAY.

and you can only vote

(If you'll spam, I will delete the unnecessary ones)

Then the first chapter will come out shortly after I'm done with it.

(I don't want to create longer ones, coz I already have a lot 😅
I might be able to update LATE again so please understand. Thank you.)

So here comes Chapter 1.

Let's say these are what majority voted.

1) Rainy day
2) Sana
3) Build a snowman
4) Open the fridge and stay there to keep cool

Chapter 1

Rain is already pouring heavily, as Sana went out with a pail and shovel after deciding to build a snowman. She tried to catch some using her bucket hoping that she can build a snowman out of it. After trying several times, she gave up and went back inside. Sana directly went to the kitchen without even drying herself. She then open the fridge letting the cool air freshen her. Doesn't she felt cold? None at all.


The outcome will be as stupid as how the majority vote will be.


Per chapter will be, maybe, as short as the example.

That would be all.

This is just random.
It will not be prioritized.

Just for fun.
Let's see how you guys create a story.



-Raine1o1™ out-

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