SaTzu Ch.22

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(Sana's Side)

They just got back to Seoul at eight in the morning. As they are still inside the car, Sana still had her stupid smile that seems like it wasn't even erased since last night.

Tzuyu shook her head. "You look so creepy smiling all to yourself." She joked. Sana pouted and slapped Tzuyu's arm.

"Like you care." Sana huffed and crossed her arms while looking away. Her lips tugged upward at the other side where Tzuyy can't see.

"Yeah, I don't. My fiancée is just really weird."

Sana blushed—not like it's new. She always goes red with everything Tzuyu would say.

Though Sana still couldn't believe she is engaged to her crush, her first love. Tzuyu said last night that they would get the white bells ring after college, she just wanted to own her and let everyone know she was already taken.

Tzuyu is quite possessive. And she doesn't mind it, it wasn't a creepy-type possessiveness, just to let the others know that Sana was already taken.

Minutes later, they had reached the familiar neighborhood. Getting off the car, Tzuyu escorted Sana towards her apartment door.

"Thank you for that wonderful adventure, Tzuyu-ah."

Tzuyu grinned. "Everything is worth it." She then kissed Sana's reddened cheeks. "Go on now."

Sana kissed Tzuyu's cheeks back before giggling and fishing out her keys.

Slipping the key in, she then turned it open.


When Sana pushes it open, her eyes went wide. She noticed that her apartment was empty.

Gasped. Sana ran inside and into her room, nothing. Her clothes and other things are gone.

"Tzuyu-ah!" She panicked, when she ran back out she stumbled onto Tzuyu into a hug.

"What's the matter?"

"M-My things. . . " Her voice started to choke as tears threatened to escape.

Tzuyu held her face and made Sana looked at her.

"Shh," Tzuyu hushed and kissed her forehead. "Everything's gonna be okay."

Sana was then pulled out of the apartment and back to the car. When the car drove away, Sana was like a zombie. She's not talking making Tzuyu worry.

Tzuyu caressed her hand and kissed it.

After fifteen minutes, they have arrived in another familiar neighborhood, but Sana was not in the mood to initiate a conversation.

Sana just let Tzuyu drag her to wherever she was taking her. She doesn't care anything as of the moment. She then heard a door clicked open. When she turned her head, Tzuyu had opened it on time.

A white cozy and neatly polished living room. Tzuyu pulled her inside and into a room.

Sana's mouth agaped, her things were there—all of it.


"I asked dad's men to transfer all your things here before we get back. Starting from now on, this will be your new apartment." Tzuyu sheepishly grinned. "And you don't need to pay rent for this. It's my parent's flat that they didn't use. I don't know why they bought it though."

Sana jumped onto Tzuyu in a bone-crushing hug.

"S-Sana—too t-tight!"

The squirrel loosen it up but still continued hugging Tzuyu. "You should have at least inform me about it. Sometimes I hate your surprises 'coz it's giving me heart attacks." She mumbled making Tzuyu chuckled and pat her back.

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