SaTzu Ch.13

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(Tzuyu's Side)

As the plane slowly descending, a sudden jolt from the right wing was felt. Tzuyu suddenly panicked and looked at Sana who's wide eyes were fixated on the window.

"T-Tzuyu-ah. . . " Sana pointed out of the window with shaky hands. "Th-The wing. . . "

Tzuyu abruptly looked at the window and finds the right wing engulfed in flames. She then looked at Sana who is now crying hard.

'The fuck is going on?! I still haven't confessed yet and now this is happening?!' She pulled Sana towards her quickly and made her sat beside her. "Buckle up! Hurry!"

Sana began to strapped herself in tension.


​​​​​​​The pilot hardly announced his call when the plane started to shake uncontrollably. Tzuyu held Sana's hand and bring her closer into a side hug.

"Everything will be okay, Sana." She whispered, the girl kept whimpering silently.

"I-I hope so. . . " Sana choked, she's too scared and stiffen to even move from her place even under Tzuyu's protective arms.

Tzuyu kissed her forehead. "Sana, I love you—"


(Tzuyu's Mom)

A glass shattered inside the hall where an important meeting was held. Mei didn't mind it since she was currently busy to check it.

It was their family picture frame.

Suddenly, her telephone rang in the middle of the meeting with the board of directors, all eyes were set on hers as she cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, gentlemen."

She then walked outside the conferrence room and picked up her call.


"Mrs. Chou, I'm sorry. We have tried everything we can."

The woman's brow furrowed. "What are you talking about?"

"The private plane your daughter was in, bounded for Bern, Switzerland crashed during their decent."

She suddenly felt her heart into a sudden stop. Is this even real?

"What kind of prank is this?!" She shouted.

"We are from the Chou-Huang General Hospital in Switzerland branch, ma'am. The victim's body was rushed in here after knowing that the plane was owned by the Chou's. We did everything we can to revive all the passengers, I'm really sorry for this bad news Mrs. Chou. Truly I am."

She fell on her knees crying when her secretary came out to look for her. The girl ran up to her, helping her to stand up.

"Ma'am? Why are you crying?! Is everything alright!?" She asked frantically.

"Call Mr.Chou. . . " She replied weakly as she started to cry harder.


(Tzuyu's Dad)

He had his hand covering his mouth when the urgent news flashed unto his office tv. The plane was named and there are no other planes that had a code CH-061499.

His phone rings and shakily picked it up.

"Ch-Chou speaking. . . " He swallowed trying to keep his composure as a man. His eyes were still glued to the screen where the plane is in deep waters, the tail can only be seen above the surface.

The passengers that didn't survived were named.

Pilot Park Geom

Flight Attendant Son Suegi

Passenger Chou Tzuyu

Passenger Minatozaki Sana

"This is Mrs. Chou's secretary sir, Ma'am wanted to speak to you."

"Bring her up. . . " He breathed, he wanted to cry yet he can't and he doesn't know why. It hurts him, he can feel the pain yet what kind of father is he not to cry over his lost?

Not long after, a woman emerges from the door. He immediately ran towards her and hugged her before she fell on the floor. He can see how red his wife's eyes are. 

He doesn't know what to do, hugging her is not enough. They just lost their most precious daughter, and he felt like he is also dead.

A/N: *trolls* just wanted to give you guys heart attacks *trolls more* *peace sign* 


Updating later~

HAHAHAHA XD I SO LOVE YOU GUYS~ Since I love you all, I really liked to ruin your moods. XD

I've been meaning to ask, why do you like to keep reading my story? x)

I mean, all things are given. *lol* the only problem in this story setting is that the characters confession. x)

Yet it made me wonder how you still came to read it all the way here. *shrugged* Surely, I thought it would be amazingly lame. x)

But still, thank you for supporting this lame story of mine. *trolls*, how to have a proper ending... *walks away while looking up the sky thinking*

-Evil author Raine1o1™ out-

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