SaTzu Ch.16

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(Sana's Side)

Sana was indeed speechless at Tzuyu's confession. She can't believe that Tzuyu was also in love with her. She was also surprised that she didn't know what to say in return, like her tongue got caught by a cat.

She just stared at Tzuyu's eyes crying out of guilt. Yes, Sana can feel it. But why would Tzuyu be guilty?

Her hand finally moved and cupped Tzuyu's cheeks, she then wiped the sad tears flowing from the latter's beautiful eyes.

"Wh-Why would I hate you pabo?" She whispered.

Tzuyu sniffed, not bothering to wipe her messy face. "B-Because you like someone else. I-I just only want y-your happiness, and if I'm not the one wh-who can give you that at least I tried."

Sana blinked, she wanted to smile and hug her back. But she held it all down, and continued question Tzuyu.

"You tried? What did you do?"

Tzuyu looked away while pulling her face off of Sana's warm hands.

"I'm sorry," Tzuyu apologized, looking down. "I-I know it's unnecessary, I'm really sorry."

Sana got confused as to why. She held Tzuyu's face once more to make the crying girl face her.

"Why do you keep apologizing? I don't even know what to forgive." Sana softly said while trying to search answers from Tzuyu's teary eyes.

Tzuyu bit her lip in the process. "I-I. . . " She paused the  glanced away. "I was the one who arranged your scholarship in Highschool and your job at the library."

Sana's eyes widen. 'What?'

"I-I am also responsible for the groceries you get every week."

Sana's mouth almost hand open but didn't say anything.

"I-I sent all my best guards to protect you all the time. F-From your apartment to the school and to everywhere you will go."

Sana couldn't any be more surprised. She stared at Tzuyu in disbelief.

"I-I was the one responsible for driving all your suitors away. I-I just don't want anyone else to take you away from me." Tzuyu choked as her tears keep flowing.

"I thought about exploring the world with you. This business thingies are just an excuse, dad arranged everything for us. All I have to do is create an alibi for you to come along."

Sana was too overwhelmed and more than surprised to hear everything from Tzuyu. So that's why. She thought no one gets attracted to her, she thought who's the creepy stalker and she thought how odd that she was the only one who had a scholarship in their school when it had so many smart students.

"I-I'm really sorry, Sana."

The older girl was taken aback again from the sudden apology.

"Pabo. . . " Sana whispered making Tzuyu looked down. "Look at me." She commanded.

Tzuyu slowly raised her head and looked at Sana in the eye. Sana can clearly see her eyes shaking in fear.

Suddenly, Sana pulled her face closer and kissed her. This time, it was Tzuyu who was surprised.

The kiss lasted for only a few seconds, Sana then pulled away with a smile.

"I won't hate you. I can't hate you." Sana started, Tzuyu just stared at her quietly. "You asked me who is the one I like? I liked no one."

Tzuyu blinked.

"But I love someone."

Tzuyu stared at her with hope.

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