SaTzu Ch.8

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(Bodyguard's Side)

"Are you now at Ms. Sana's apartment, Jeongyeon?" Asked the bunny-like girl who is currently busy fixing her suit in front of the mirror.

"Just arrived."

"Okay, good." She then faced the other girls after checking, the rest of her team were also done fixing themselves. "Jeongyeon had arrived and was about to pick up Ms. Sana for her make-over at the salon Young Miss had instructed. Are you listening Jeong?" She glanced at her earpiece that had a wire connected behind their devices.

"Yes, ma'am."

"So, as planned, Dahyun you'll be in-charge of taking Ms. Sana's and our Young Miss' photos."

The said girl nodded, she then continued.

"Chaeyoung, you'll be the one opening the door for Ms. Sana and be her guide towards their table. And be on standby for whatever assistance Ms. Sana needed."

The other nodded.

"Jihyo and Momo will be the look out, Young Miss doesn't want interruption from those scumbags. And lastly, Mina and I will be their personal waitress and at the same time the look out."

"Copy," The last three said in unison.

"And Jeong, while the party is on going, be the look out for the exterior vicinity and back to driving once everything is done, if Young Miss will not change her mind."

"Copy and out."

Once the call was cut, they all laid their hands on top of the others and cheered for good luck.

Tzuyu did say that they also need to enjoy the party.


(Sana's Side)

"Oh God!" She squealed while looking at herself in the mirror.

Yes, she was wearing the dress and checked herself on the mirror-not minding the cracks along the sides-deciding to wear the heels later 'coz she'll be doing her make-up first.

Scrambling inside her purse for any face paint, she sighed. She only finds a pinkish red lipstick, not mentioning how deep it already is, and a pressed powder that she can already see the bottom, to top it of, it has no foam. Recalling when she last bought this a groan escaped-just last year.


It's still four and the prom starts at seven, but due to lack of beauty products she might go there on time-so that her face won't be noticed having no make up.

A knock.

"Teleporting groceries agai-Oh, Hello?" Sana's eyes went wide seeing a guy in a suit smiling at her the moment she opened the door slightly. "Uhm, yes?"

The visitor bowed in courtesy. "Good afternoon, Ms. Minatozaki. My name is Jeongyeon and I am here to pick you up."

Sana's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Uh, why?"

"The school gave assistance to those who'll join the event."

"Ah, is that so," Sana gave an awkward smile. "B-But I'm not done yet, I haven't put any make-ups on."

The latter grinned. "The school also gave assistance to bring you first to a salon, all expense paid."

The squirrel could never be anymore baffled. Their school is very generous to be able to give assistance such as make-overs and a ride.

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