SaTzu Ch.11

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(Sana's Side)

"Hmm. . . Where did Tzuyu-ah go?"

Sana whispered to herself, she was left alone in the taller girl's room. Tzuyu excused herself that she remembered something to do and that she'll be back in a few minutes.

She sighed and sat on the balcony bench and relaxed herself as she waited.


(Bodyguard's Side)

"Who the hell brought that lubricant?!"

All the G-7 guards was blown to the corner of the room the moment Tzuyu entered their bunk house with a sharp horn on top of her head.

She's clearly not in the mood.

"WHO?!" Tzuyu screamed earning another whimper from some of her guards.

Nayeon and Jihyo looked at each other before pushing Dahyun and Chaeyoung out of their human barrier. The two maknaes trembled in fear when Tzuyu smiled.

"Ah, yes. The ones I assigned."

Dahyun couldn't anymore whiter than her skin and Chaeyoung went also like a paper.

"Why.Did.You.Bought.That?" Tzuyu slowly emphasized each words making the knees of the two shake.

"Uhh, w-we didn't know!" Dahyun defended and looked at Chaeyoung.

"We swear!"

Tzuyu gave her best straight face ever and crossed her arms. "So, that thing just jumped inside the bag?"

"Uhm, Young Miss. . . W-We really don't know anything about that." The smaller girl choked.

The other girls behind were shaking in fear as they stayed quiet. They know that if one had committed a mistake, all of them gets to be punished.

"Hmm, I think it is the supposedly 'hair polish' if I'm not mistaken." Tzuyu smiled making all of their hairs stands. "Did you really mistaken it for something like that thing?"

Chaeyoung looked up and flinched.

"Seems like you remembered something Chae." Tzuyu pointed out.

The latter scratched her back while looking down. She then fall down on her knees and bowed.

"I'm really sorry, Young Miss! The item we accidentally bought was next to the item you had instructed us. We thought it was the same! I'm really sorry! It won't happen again!"

Tzuyu sighed. "Get up."

The smaller girl then do as told.

"And as a punishment. . . "

Jihyo then muttered from behind. "Fuck! It's another embarrassing punishment!"

Jeongyeon elbowed her, hushing her to shut up.

They remembered the last time they forgot to follow Sana since they were arguing about something stupid, making Sana almost got molested along the way to her home. Glad Tzuyu decided to follow her. And their Young Miss was never pissed as hell.

The punishment at that time was, they all have to wear a minion costumes and entertain kids in the park the whole day without removing it. They felt like they gathered a bucket of sweat inside.

The other time was they failed to distract one guy and was able to successfully gave Sana the gift, they really earned a big one hellish punishment for that.

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