SaTzu Ch.5

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"Uh hey, Sana."

The said girl turned away from the shelves she was facing while arranging the books, and finds the most attractive person in her eyes. Her heart was jumping over the moon already.

"Y-Yes, Tzuyu-ah?" She tucked some strands of hair behind her right ear and smiled shyly.

Tzuyu almost lost herself in that, it made her blush in the nick of time.

'Holy mother of Jihyo-' She thought as she tried not to get distracted. 'Calm down.'

Shaking her head mentally and pulled out a rectangular card from her back pocket, then handed it to Sana.

"Here's the VIP ticket. I'll be expecting."

Before Sana could even reply, the latter already disappeared. She was way too much distracted for her not to realize she was stranded alone already.

Jumping happily while staring at the ticket, she couldn't help but wonder if Tzuyu will be able to see her.

"This is the first time I'll be seeing Tzuyu play up close!" She squealed. "I'm excited!"

Slipping it in her side pocket, she then continued arranging the books.


(Bodyguard's Side)

All of Tzuyu's bodyguard wore her school's uniform, pretending to be students like they always do just to guard their Young Mistress and of course, Sana as well-the utmost priority to guard, according to Tzuyu.

The Chairman of the school allowed such doings like this only to the Chou family since they are the biggest contributor of funds for the school. Mostly for the sports equipment.

Nayeon is currently on stand-by sitting on the bench corridor where students usually passes by while reading a book.

Her eyes were on guard once a student is walking towards the library, checking if it's bringing those kinds of things in hand.

Popping her bubble gum, she pressed the call button on her earpiece as she tilted her head hiding the gadget away from the curious stares.

The call got connected.

"How was on your side, Jeongyeon?" She whispered while pretending to read again the book.

"Nothing so far."

"Have you called Jihyo?"

"Yes, all is still clear."

"Good. Keep on guard."

"Copy and out."

Seeing a professor across her who's walking slowly while eyeing her curiously, she immediately gave a fake smile to him before he walked off towards his destination.

'Geez. . .' She then rolled her eyes.

Minutes later, a guy with a bouquet in hand was walking just a good twenty meters away from where she was positioned.

Hurriedly calling her teammates that the subject had arrived and was holding a bouquet.

"Wait, I'll try reading the card."

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