SaTzu Ch.10

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A/N: Hold on to your pants. *trolls*


(Tzuyu's Side)

"Fuck. . ."

Tzuyu muttered as she recalled what she saw in the bathroom earlier. She can still feel how warm her face is.

Seeing Sana half naked gave her body a sudden heat she shouldn't suppose to feel at the moment.

She then sighed and scanned her phone while waiting for Sana to finish taking a bath.

Not long after, the door opened revealing a squirrel with only a towel covering her body. Tzuyu's eyes went wide.

"I'm so sorry."

Tzuyu hurriedly stands and fled the room in an instant. She then slumped in the couch and covered her eyes with her arms.

'Fuck. . . I can't help but look! I sound like a pervert! I'm so sorry Sana!' She mentally cried as she sighed heavily.

Minutes later, when she was able to drift to dreamland she felt her shoulders being tapped.


Another tap.


The said girl opened her eyes groggily and rubbed it. Stiffling a small yawn as she tried to avoid looking at the latter.

"Better wash up, Tzuyu-ah. The clothes are on the bed."

Tzuyu then stands and muttered a small 'thank you' before walking towards the bathroom.

After washing her face, she then walk to Sana's room and changed into her pyjamas. A simple large white shirt and a mini shorts.

Tzuyu then noticed something on Sana's side table. Picking it up, she then read the label.

'Durex Lubri-the fuck?!'

Her eyes went wide. Tzuyu can't believe what she was seeing. Is this even real? She kept examining it until she heard the door open then closed.

Tzuyu glanced at the newly arrived girl.

"Are you using this?"

Bold. One bold question Tzuyu had ever thrown. Shouldn't she just put it aside and pretended that she didn't saw it? But no, she did ask.

She saw Sana sitting on the bed while she shook her head.

"No, I don't even know what that is."

'Is she serious?' Tzuyu eyed her weirdly.

"Are you sure?" She asked with a confused face. Sana tilted her head.

"Yes," Sana nodded again. "It's in the groceries last time. I was wondering what it is. Is it some kind of a polish?"

Tzuyu wanted to facepalm but can't. She then thought that when she'll get home, she's gonna grill her guards.

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