SaTzu Ch.17

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(Sana's Side)

"Canada!" Sana exclaimed as she jumped around their hotel room. Tzuyu snickered at her cute antics while packing up.

"Are you done packing?" Tzuyu asked earning a nod from the latter.

Sana didn't know that her smile already completed Tzuyu's day. The taller girl then beckoned Sana to come near her after zipping up her luggage.

The squirrel mkade her way towards Tzuyu and jumps on the last step in front of the taller girl. Sana held her hands together behind her back while smiling excessively cute. Tzuyu almost choked.

"Yes, Tzuyu-ah?"

Tzuyu tried not to react as she stared at Sana with a small smile only. "Why are you excited?"

Sana pressed her lips together then started to act like thinking. Tzuyu finds it irresistable.

"Because, it's Canada?"

Tzuyu tried not to laugh at Sana's reason. But littel did Sana know, Tzuyu also wanted to try and test herself how long can she hold herself during Sana's aegyo mode. It might come in handy one day.

"Because it's Canada. . . ?" Tzuyu repeated with a raised brow. Sana nodded.

Sana tilted her head while pouting. Tzuyu almost exploded. "Maybe because I haven't been there?"

"I thought you're excited because you wanted to see some places." The latter pondered. Sana hummed, placing a finger under her pouted lips while looking up.

Tzuyu died.


"I don't have any particular place to go, but maybe it's because it's a new country to me that's why."

Sana grinned, her eyes were squinted together.

Tzuyu died.

For real.

She dramatically fell backwards towards the bed and clutched her heart.

"Tzuyu-ah?!" Sana sat beside her in panicked. "Are you okay?!"

Tzuyu kept clutching her chest. "S-Sana. . . "

Sana fumbles on the spot trying to see any blood or any signs of injury from Tzuyu.

"Are you not feeling well? What? Tell me!"

"I. . . I—"

"What?!" Sana moved closer. Worry was evident in her face as the latter kept clutching her heart.

"I. . . I can't live without you."

Sana stopped on her tracks after seeing a smirk growing from Tzuyu's lips. That definitely caught her. On reflex, her cheeks brightens up and slaps Tzuyu's arm mutliple times.


Tzuyu kept laughing as she tried to block all of the squirrel-attacks on her.

A knock came making the two stopped playing. Tzuyu straightened herself and proceed to open it.

"Young Miss, we're about to leave." Nayeon smiled.

"Okay, wait by the lobby." Tzuyu instructed, Nayeon bowed and left.

The taller girl made her way back to Sana. "Let's go." She grabbed her luggage and waited for Sana to get hers.
They are inside the plane for seven hours yet Sana was still confused as to why Tzuyu's guards didn't ride along.

"Tzuyu-ah," Sana called earning a hum from the taller girl who's picking up another magazine. "Why aren't your bodyguards riding with us?"

Seeing all the guards back at the airport bowed down to them as they say they'll just be waiting in Vancouver, made her thought about where they are.

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