SaTzu Ch.4

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"Is your foot okay now, Ms. Minatozaki?" The librarian asked as she glanced at the said girl's foot.

"Y-Yes, ma'am."

"Very well. Don't use the ladders for this week, I'll let Ms. Chou do the climbing. That would be all."

She then passed by her as her heels clicked through the tiled room. Sana could only sighed.

Starting from collecting the books on the tables, down to wiping some dust on the counter. Sana worked onto it slowly since there are no more students as of the moment.

Sana glanced at the big wall clock that is hanging on the wall above the entrance, it marked four sharp.

"Tzuyu might not be coming today." She pouted while glancing at some books that she passes by on the shelves.

When she was about to turn into another row, a guy was waving his hands to her direction. She flinched and looked behind her and found no one, so she pointed herself. When he nodded, she hurriedly walked towards him.

"Yes? Is there anything I can assist you with?"

The guy was busy scratching his nape as his eyes wandered around out of nervousness.

Sana looked at him with a curious stare. "Is there any book you would like to borrow?" She asked again hoping the guy would respond back. She really couldn't understand him.

"If you got no business here, you are welcome to leave."

The guy looked at Sana in surprise, as the girl mirrored his expression as well. He then spun around and found the one and only MVP of the basketball team—Chou Tzuyu.

The taller girl walked towards him with a stoic expression.

"If you got no intentions in book relations, other reasons are not welcome here."

She then stopped right in front of him, having almost the height, Tzuyu looked at him in her signature blank stare.

"What are you waiting for?"

"U-Uhh. . . I-I'm sorry!"

He walked backwards trying to hide the flower from Sana and successfully exited the premises.

"Ah, Tzuyu-ah."

The younger one looked at her and her expression softens.

"Sorry I'm late, Sana." She added a smile making the latter smile as well.

Sana shook her head and went closer to her. "It's okay. By the way, you're too strict."

She raised a brow at her. "Is that so."


"He doesn't need anything so why the need to loiter around." Tzuyu passed by her and picked up some books on the side tables facing the windows and disappeared in-between the shelves.

"Hmm. . . Tzuyu-ah is so mysterious."

She wasn't wrong.
Half past six, Sana was already finished cleaning the papers on the table and now was currently waiting for Tzuyu.

"Tzuyu-ah?" She called.

Seconds later, the latter emerges from the dark side of the library.

"Are you done?"

Sana nodded and glanced at the dark side. "What are you doing there? It's so dark."

"I turned off the lights and locked the windows."

The MVP's Beauty (SaTzu)Where stories live. Discover now