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I'm dumbfounded. I stand up from the table, pacing.

Is he serious?

"What the hell were you doing all those hours you spent together in the hospital?"

He seems more amused with the entire situation at hand.

"She was telling me stories about you. Things I've never heard before."

"Like what exactly?"

He approaches me, wrapping one arm around me to hold me still.

"I already knew about the birthmark..."

He runs his fingers down my spine, moving them to my right hip. I suck in a breath, shivering from his touch.

"...right here."

He removes his hands from my body, taking a step back.

"But I didn't know you liked car-"


He laughs and I blush.

"Don't bring that up."

"So it's true?"

"It was once in high school. She lied."

No she didn't. Now I'm afraid to find out how she knew that. I don't think I ever told her that.

"She also told me that you are very talkative and handsy when you are drunk."

"I can't deny that."

"Maybe you'll let me see that one day."

It's more of a statement.

"Okay, so you never had an interest in her?"


He pops the 'p', his eyes raking over my body slowly.

"What about when you slept with her?"

"That was a one night fling. She said that she was trying to make herself straight so that your family would accept her. She quickly admitted that it didn't work when I was with her in the hospital the first time."

"And you are fine with being used like that?"

He shrugs, sitting back down at the table. He takes another bite of his eggs, answering with a full mouth.

"Not the first time."

Jealousy I never knew was inside me flares up.

"The Julien thing was just a lie, but what about the necklace? Didn't you get that for her?"

"I gave her a good luck charm before I showed you the necklace I bought for you."


"Yes. It shows how I truly feel about you, Emerson."

He walks over to his small duffel bag of clothes, pulling out the box. He extracts the delicate chain from the box. It's cold against my neck as he clasps it, but it feels just right.

I take the little charm in my fingers, admiring it.

"It sparkles like your eyes."

I wipe the wetness from my eyes, smiling. Leave it to me to get emotional over a silly little necklace.

"I-I don't know what to say, Antonio."

He takes my hands in his with pleading eyes.

"I've cleaned up my act. I haven't used drugs or drank in a while. I know you hated my little addictions. And I know we share the same feelings for each other."

He gives my hand a kiss.

"What are you saying, Antonio?"

My phone chooses this very moment to start ringing. Julien's name fills the screen.

"Wait, it's Julien!"

I swipe the call button, putting the phone on speaker.

"Julien, where are you?!"

"If you ever want to see your sister again, make sure that the charges against Calvin Brown and Roxy Roman are dropped by tomorrow at noon. Drop the charges, and your sister will be returned to you untouched. If they are not dropped, you will never see your sister again."

Little Miss Perfect (Blackmail Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now