Chapter 8

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        Aww! My head hurts. I can still remember what happened yesterday. It was clear on my memory. I haven't slept last night because of that. Those eyes, those lips. His touch. His palm on my forehead.  My God! I really look like an idiot. Hmm. Then him and Ma'am Iya, hugging to each other? Duh! Alright. Erase, erase. I still need to focus on my work, on my priorities in life. I went first in the comfort room. I need to check myself first. I look at in the mirror and notice some blackish part on my eyes. It is so obvious that I did not have a good sleep last night. It was all because of him. I get my pressed powder and put a little on my eyes, below my eyes.


Alright, breathe in, breathe out.

Then I proceed to my workstation.

"Good morning, Renee'! " Gail greeted me.

"Hi! Good morning!" I greeted her back.

"What happened to you? You look like you did not slept las night." she said.

"Is that too obvious? I already put some powder on it." I asked her.

"Yes! I still can see the blackish part on your eyes. What did you do last night?" she asked.

"Well, I slept late last night. Ah... Since, I'm so engrossed on reading. That was the reason." I lied to her.

"I see." she said.

       I put my things on my cabinet and sit on my chair. I pushed the "on" button of my CPU. Then I was about to press the "on" button of my monitor when I notice something. A sticky note pasted on my monitor.

There is a note on it.

It says "Be careful next time. :-)", with a smiley. Who did this?

"Ah, Gail! Who put this note on my monitor? Did you notice it?" I asked Gail.

"No. I don't know. I already saw that earlier when I came in the office." she said. "Maybe, a secret admirer?" she teased me.

"No. I don't think so." I said.

     It must be him. Maybe? Hmm. I get the sticky note and throw it in the trash can. Be aware, Renee'. Be aware why you are here. Yes, I know. Stay to your plans and goals. Your mindset should be stay to your goals and plans. Do not think useless things. Yes, that's right. You know your reasons. Yes! My parents, my little sister. For my family. Hmm.

I press the "on" button of my monitor.

Sometimes, it is really hard in pretending that nothing happens. It is really so hard. Alright, brace yourself, Renee'. Life is really so cruel. So brace it. Let your life go with the wind, go with the flow. You must be strong. Acceptance is the hardest but the only thing you can do right now. Accept the fact, that you are here for work and not for anything else. Accept it. Yes, I need to. And that is why I am here, sitting on this chair, staring on my desktop while checking on my queue for this day.

I fell on my chair when someone push my arm.

"Hey, your Mr. Right is calling you." Gail whispered on me.

I followed her eyes then I saw those black brown pair of eyes looking directly on my eyes. He is standing beside my table. My eyes widened and I sat on my chair properly, like with posture and grace.

"Renee', can you please check this one? The requestor is asking to move the approval of this request. I need this to be done immediately. Thanks!" He said while seriously look into my eyes.

My mouth opened and I nodded to him.

"Oh, alright." He said then he left.

"Girl, you're saliva, please close your mouth now. You are too obvious." then she laughed.

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