Chapter 9- Bug Bite

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It was bright and early. Caesar, Rocket, Blue Eyes and Ash were in the woods, doing their daily patrol. They trekked around the woods on their horses in silence, Ash was the first to speak break the silence.

"I heard a cry last night.",  he signed. Caesar looked over to him.

"Clova, sick.", he replied. Ash shook his head.

"Is she alright?", he asked worriedly. 

"Obas are watching her, she was bitten by a strange insect.", Blue Eyes explained.

By the time they finished their patrol and arrived back home, the female Obas approached Caesar and Blue Eyes and signed frantically.

"Clova, very sick! She's getting worse and won't wake up !", they explained.

Immediately, the sprinted up their spiral staircase and rushed into their hut. Clova was in Cornelia's arms showing no signs of movement, her skin was pale and her infected arm was sore, it leaked with juices from her blanket bandage. Cornelius gibbered anxiously with a huge frown on his face, Cornelia craddled Clova's unresponsive body and hoped she'd wake up. Cornelius saw Caesar and Blue Eyes enter and ran over to them, tears streamed down his face as he was comforted by Caesar in a hug.

"Father, why won't Clova wake up? Is she okay? What's on her arm and why is it getting bigger?", he panicked. Caesar rubbed his back adn tried to calm him down. Blue Eyes rushed and sat down by Clova's side, he examined her ill appearance and frowned.

"One at a time, Cornelius.", he signed. Cornelius still a bit worried nodded. Caesar who now had his son calm signed.

"What happened while we were out?", Cornelius' hands trembled slightly as he signed.

"Mother watched Clova this morning, she was still awake and then she just fell asleep again and won't wake up!" , Cornelius cried.

he was on the verge of tears and started whimpering before he burst out into a cry, worried for his sister. Caesar took his hand and walked over to his wife and Blue Eyes.

Blue Eyes gently used his thumb to trace it over Clova's forehead, hoping to soothe her in any way. Cornelius still let out his cries as he sat in Caesar's lap, an oba popped in through the doorway and Caesar walked out as he wanted to know the update of his daughter's health. The female oba had an uncertain look on her face.

"We can give her treatment and she'll feel better in a few days.", she started. Casear kept a straight face as he prepared for her not so good news.

"But we dont have all the ingredients provided.", she explained. Caesar couldn't think, he needed Clova to feel better. Before he could reply, the oba had more good news.

"But they can be found here in the woods."

Caesar was relieved by her news, he could just go into the woods to get them. He tried to stay calm and keep a reasonabel expression.

"Where?", he asked.

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