Chapter 16- Inner Ape

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A few weeks passed, then months and Clova was still adventurous as ever. Every time she heard Caesar and Blue Eyes were leaving for their weekly hunt, she would stop anything she was doing at that moment to go with them. 

It had become a planned routine for her. In Maurice's little teaching spot, she, Blossom and Cornelius were closer than ever, some even suspected a budding romance between the two young apes as Cornelius was teased when he offered Blossom a bright, pink flower.

Outside of school, Rocket thought of the idea of Clova learning how to ride a horse, Caesar disregarded the idea as he did not want Clova to get hurt at a young age. Cornelia had spent most of her time with Clova, they practised how to weave baskets from leaves and thin sticks, fishing nets and Ash and Blue Eyes would both tutor her carving wood. At first, she wasn't the best at it but soon and quickly became a pro. 

Clova would often practise her climbing skills in the deeper parts of the woods. Most of the apes were impressed at how Clova wanted to be like them and would cheer her on when she climbed, the apes would start to hoot and shriek in encouragement when she climbed higher and higher. Caesar smiled, seeing her climb reminded him of when he was small and climbed his first tree in the Redwoods being cheered on by Will, Caroline and Charles which is why he picked the same strong tree for Clova to practise with. When she looked down, a proud smile on her face, Caesar and his family would always encourage her.

"Keep going.", he signed.

And Clova would continue. When she got to her point, there would be an ape to escort her down where she would immediately be surrounded and praised by other fellow apes, who influenced and motivated her.

"You were so great!"

"Keep it up!", they signed happily.

Clova was so happy to receive such love and praise. When she was younger most apes would barely give her a sideways glance and here she is, congratulated constantly for her efforts and skills. Blue Eyes approached Clova, his face full of pride.

"Wow, you are getting better every time!", he signed as he smiled.

 Koba watched from his spot in a far corner and sneered angrily. Apes are supposed to hate humans. When it was time to leave, he jumped on his horse and rode on home with everyone else and ignored the faint praises about Clova at the back.

When they arrived home, the apes who tended the horses took the reigns and lead them back into their stables at the far end of the village. Cornelia dismounted Caesar's horse with Cornelius attached on her hip. She brushed her hand through Clova's hair.

"You were amazing!", she praised happily.

"Thank you, mother.", she replied.

"Soon you'll be as good as me!", Cornelius boasted. Caesar chuckled at his son's competitive humour and Cornelia shook her head in amusement, she placed Cornelius down and took his hand.

"It's time for school, now.", she reminded, she gently bumped foreheads with Caesar and Clova before the two walked off. Blue Eyes had already gone with Ash which left the remaining two alone.

"Can we do more climbing?", she hoped. Caesar turned to her and signed back.

"Enough climbing for today."

Clova groaned in disappointment, she kicked pebbles and dirt on the ground as she huffed and puffed dramatically. 

Caesar ignored her and walked back to their hut, Clova tried to get his attention as she attempted to sigh louder and hoped he'd take pity and allow he climb more, but to her demise, he didn't fall for it.

After minutes of failed guilt trip, she stopped and plopped down in the main room on a dusty rug. Clova supported her head in her hands as she sulked since she didn't get what she wanted. Caesar sat next to her and place his spear against the wall, he nudged her playfully and she gave him a comical glare before she nudged him back.

A sudden thought came to her mind, it had bugged her for quite a while but couldn't stomach to ask as she felt it really wasn't her business.

"Father,", she started, "does Cornelius like Blossom?"

Caesar thought for a moment. "Seems that way.", he answered simply. "Why?"

"Just thought because he gave her a flower this one time.", she explained "and she looked shy about it."

Caesar shrugged his shoulders, unsure of what to think. "I don't know, maybe he does."

Clova agreed. Yeah, just maybe.

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