Chapter 42- All Alone

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"Ow!", Clova hissed.

The ape carelessly continued to yank her arm whilst another at her side tugged roughly on the other.

"Hey, watch it!", she spat. 

The ape shrieked in her face as a way of telling her to shut up. Clova hadn't been in the city much but knew it wasn't this damaged and ransacked the last time she was here. There were a few buildings lit on fire and thousands of apes shooting guns all over the place. 

Every sudden bullet that was fired caused her to wince as the cries and panics of humans filled the city. She couldn't believe her eyes at the sight of people, innocent people being thrown into many cages by the apes like animals. Some looked out to Clova in fear but sadly, she couldn't do anything.

The apes who held her captive then pulled her into a building that were filled with apes. They each snarled and pointed guns at her to scare her but she tried to keep her guard up. Standing at the very end of the crowd was the beast himself, Koba and all the courage Clova had built up sank out of her body like a bottomless pit and shivered when he approached her.

"Clova!", he spat harshly as he circled her. "Where more humans?"

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "It-it's only me."


Clova shook at the sudden outburst and the scarred ape locked his piercing eyes with hers again. "Where...more...humans?!", he barked again to which Clova returned his uneasy gaze, a hint of courage in her voice.

"I told you, it is just me.", she repeated.

Koba knew she was lying and snarled viciously causing a riot to start among the other apes. Their hooting and angered shrieks echoed throughout the building as Koba walked away and returned with a thick pipe in his hand. 

"You are filthy human...not ape!", he shouted. "You burn ape home with more humans!", at this Clova was about to protest but she noticed how Koba's fists clenched onto the pipe.

Her pupils widened as she feared for what he would do with it. The teen hadn't processed what had happened when she was suddenly struck in the head with the pipe knocking her out immediately. Koba's lips twisted into a sick, deranged grin seeing Clova's limp body across the marble concrete.

A smaller ape gently tapped Koba on his shoulder only to receive one of his famous glares. 'What do we do with the human?", he questioned. 

"Lock her up in a room and when she wakes up,", Koba handed the pipe he held over to the younger ape. "Then you knock her out again and tie her to the tower.'  With that, they dragged Clova's limp body out of the building and tossed her into a dusty shed.

(An hour later)

Clova struggled to flutter her eyelids open as she woke up, the side of her face completely numb as it was laid flat against the stone cold ground she slept on. Snapping out of her daze and realising where she was, Clova jumped and started pounding on the door.

"Hey!", no one seemed to be listening so she shook the handle hoping to break it off completely. "Let me out!", still no answer. 

Admitting defeat, Clova slumped back on the ground and sat still. The silence that had engulfed the room was broken by a sudden crash from outside. Though the shed was old and weary, there were a few cracks that allowed the moonlight to shine through and saw a group of apes attacking a yellow bus.

The scene had thrived grabbing everyone's attention as the bus began to tip over to it's side, squashing the other apes underneath it. At this, Clova gasped and her jaw dropped to the floor when she saw a bright blue-eyed chimp climb on top of the bus and help a group of apes escape. Clova jumped in joy and relief, she knew immediately that it was her brother and tried to get his attention.

She darted through the holes trying to see what was going on. Blue Eyes was currently shooting at the traitors as he helped his allies climb out. Clova felt more relieved seeing Maurice, Rocket and Luca and a few others unharmed. When she saw that there were no more apes in the bus, she was running out of time and desperately shoved a few of her fingers through the thin gaps of the wooden walls, gaining scratches and splinters while doing so.

"Blue!", she cried out.

Blue Eyes' head twitched at the sound, recognising the voice instantly. "Blue Eyes!", she cried louder and saw his head frantically dart around for his sister's calling. One of his allies pointed to the shed Clova was held in and noticed a few fingers wriggling in the gaps. Blue Eyes quickly rushed over to the shed but was pulled back by Maurice by the sudden and rapid gunfire from the other apes that blocked their path from reaching Clova.

"We have to go.", an ape signed seeing Blue Eyes' forlorn face. He couldn't leave, he wouldn't not while his sister is in there. Rocket lightly touched his shoulder and rubbed it soothingly.

"We will come back for her.", he promised. 

Clova felt tears run down her cheeks as she desperately tried to reach out to him, wanting the comfort of her older brother. "Blue!"

Blue Eyes wore the same distraught expression on Clova's face and signed to her.

"I will come back for you, I promise.", Clova seeing what he signed shook her head hectically and pushed both her whole hands through the gap. 

"No! Blue, don't leave me!", she signed back. 

Blue Eyes' heart was cracking, he had never seen Clova so afraid and alone and he felt more distant from her as his allies gently tugged him away from her, their gazes fading away from one another.

"I promise I will be back.", he promised once more before fully disappearing into the woods. More tears streamed down her face as she reached her scarred hand out and sobbed heavily to herself.

"Blue Eyes!"

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