Chapter 25- Ape's Warning

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The very next day, the entire ape colony marched into the city. Koba led the way to the human's sanctuary followed closely behind by Caesar. He looked at his blue orbed son who ride beside him, his face also streaked with war paint and an frown of fury. Hate was easily detected in his eyes as his glare deepened as they got closer.

When they approached the gate, faint yells and shocked screams where heard from inside the tall tower followed by an alerted siren. Guards who patrolled the entrance dropped their guns and retreated inside, threatened by the size of spears some apes held in case the situation got dirty. Caesar spotted two supposedly middle-aged men, one with thin curved glasses and the other he recognised from the incident back in the woods.

Moments later, large metallic doors opened slowly, revealing the remaining population of San Francisco. The two men that were on the balcony came out first and approached the apes, the bespectacled man kept his distance. 

"Malcolm!", he called out but was ignored and dared to walk closer. Caesar looked behind him, he again recognised the lean, young boy and brunette from yesterday and fixed his attention back to Malcolm.

Caesar stepped up to the man on his horse and stopped in front of him. He glared at the group of humans.

"APES!", he shouted. The reaction of people gasping and stumbled back in fear, the ape spoke. 

"DO NOT WANT WAR!", he continued, clearly making his point across. "BUT WILL FIGHT, IF WE MUST!"

He returned eye contact to the young man who stood before and signalled to Blue Eyes. The young ape reluctantly dismounted his horse and approached to the man, a small gap left in between them. His nose flared and tossed the brown bag the apes retrieved at his feet before walking back to his horse.

The man bent down and picked up the bag, immediately recognising it as his son's. He looked back at the ape leader, dumbfounded. Caesar inhaled deeply, he pointed his finger to the woods the apes emerged from.

"APE! HOME!", he reminded harshly. He dragged his finger to the human building.

"HUMANS! HOME!", He lowered his hand and tightened the reigns on his horse. Caesar narrowed his eyes through the face paint, glaring his intimidating green eyes at the humans.

"Do not. Come. Back.", he warned, his voice rough and low as he finished his sentence. 

Malcolm formed beads of sweat as he and the other humans watched the apes exit out of the city. He stared at an aggravated, scarred bonobo who approached them on his horse who snarled threateningly and gave the group a sharp glare before retreating with the other apes back into the woods. 


The next few days went by peacefully, no disturbance from humans. Clova was in Maurice's hut being taught more english. It was a weekly routine, Caesar had prepared for her and would always observe the sessions. He was proud of all his children, she could now speak in short sentences but still prefers sign language. Maurice wiped the smooth rock he used as a board and walked to his window, he pointed outside to all the apes doing their daily activities.

"Describe the village today.", he said.

She looked outside. She saw younger apes sat in a large area learning, some returned back from the woods with food, females cooking, the entire village was thriving and growing larger and larger as a community. Clova smiled at this.

"I...see", Maurice nodded and gestured her to continue. "And...all and...sound."

Maurice whooped and clapped for her, Clova loved being praised. She turned around to Caesar who smiled broadly at her, very pleased with her improvement. Her moment of praise suddenly came to a stop. A ferocious roar alerted the apes and Caesar walked to the window. The ape who owned the roar was Luca. All the apes watched completely stunned as Luca walked to the centre of the colony, dragging a mud smeared human on the ground. Caesar marched outside, followed by Maurice and Clova. They watched as Caesar emerged on his rock and looked down at the human. 

Apes curiously approached and circled the human, some were livid like Koba who was the only armed ape, carrying a very large spear. The human looked familiar, Clova remembered him from the shooting in the woods not long ago, the man turned to look at her and she timidly hid behind Maurice. Fear struck his face as he remembered a particular mean ape snarl in his face and walked behind him, a younger ape with slashes across his chest followed his lead and gave him a very dirty look.

The frightened young man slowly rose to his feet, Luca didn't like that, he viewed it as dominant challenge and struck the man back down on his knees. Clova watched, slightly terrified for the man.

"Please, please!", he begged. He looked up to the Ape King who stood before him. "Please don't kill me, just hear what I have to say.", he pleaded. Caesar kept a blank face as he listened to the defenceless man's plea. 

"I know you said 'don't come back' but I wouldn't be here unless-", the man dared go on his feet again and was pushed down into the dirt once more by Luca.

"Okay, okay, please!", Maurice tried to shield Clova from witnessing this, it could upset her but she still peeped from his arm. 

The man was really scared now and his pupils dilated in fear as he returned his gaze to Caesar. "I-I need to show you something, it's not far." Koba bellowed in anger at his words.

"HUMAN LIES!", a riot rose among the apes who protested against the man's words. 

"No, no, please, I'm telling the truth!", the man literally begged for the fate of his life. All the apes continued screeching.

"What if he wants to lead us to the place and kills us?!", an apes signed angrily. "Or gets us ambushed in the woods?!"

Clova quivered in fear. What if they kill the man, that means they won't even hesitate to kill her. She shook her head, the apes were her family, they wouldn't harm her. Will they? She looked to see Blue Eyes behind Koba following his lead and screeched at the young man. Her stomach churned. She watched as Blue Eyes handed Koba the spear he carried earlier and observed wide eyed as he held it above the man's head. Blue Eyes wore a mask of anger, hate and fury which upset Clova, she was also human. Did he not consider her family anymore? Is she no longer an ape?

"Please, just let me show you and you'll understand!"

Caesar saw Clova, clearly upset. If he killed this man, it could start war with the humans and Clova would loose her trust and love for the apes forever. If he didn't, there could be a possibility the man was luring them into a trap and endanger the apes. Before Koba could strike the man with the spear, Caesar raised his hand silencing the apes. He spoke aloud with a gruff voice.

"Show. Me."

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