Chapter 22- Threats

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Today, Clova was assigned to her fishing session with Blue Eyes and Ash. They walked to the lake close to their home and Clova sat down on a log and observed them. Ash turned to Clova and grinned mischievously. 

"Hey Clova, want to watch me beat your brother in a fishing match?", he challenged confidently. 

Blue Eyes rolled his eyes at Ash's egotistical behaviour but obliged to the challenge, after all, its not the first time he beat Ash, he could beat Ash at fishing with his eyes closed. Clova laughed and nodded excitedly as the two besties competed against one another and kept track of the scores.

Twenty minutes later, Ash slammed his spear onto the ground and hooted wildly. He swung his arms around in anger and turned to Blue Eyes. Sure enough, he inherited Rocket's behaviour as he also had the inability to sit still for a short period of time.

"I want a rematch!", he demanded.

"Don't be such a sore loser.", Blue Eyes signed as he walked to Clova.

"What's the score?", she counted the fish in each of their nets.

"14 to 6, Blue Eyes won!", she cheered in sign. Blue Eyes mockingly pointed and laughed at Ash's shame, Ash shoved him in embarrassment and picked his spear.

"Whatever, I'll beat you next time.", he threatened.

The trio continued fishing until they caught more fish than they could eat. Blue Eyes was impressed, it was Clova's first time fishing and she was learning fast. Much faster than Ash. Something caught her eye and looked into the water, she watched as an oblivious salmon swam closer and closer. She smiled as she raised her spear and plunged it into the fish, triumphed, she held the spear into the air as the fish flapped around and held a victory pose. Blue Eyes and Ash laughed, glad that Clova was learning fast.

A few hours later, they three head home. Blue Eyes walked in front followed by Clova and Ash as he carried his bountiful net full of salmon. Ash eyed Blue Eyes' net and looked at his own unsatisfied as his was partly empty and scoffed at his basket. He then focused on Blue Eyes' scars, still unhealed.

"You know, that bear wouldn't get me Blue Eyes, I'm quick!", he stated proudly. Blue Eyes grew annoyed and turned around.

"Shut up, Ash!", Clova giggled at their little spat, it was always entertaining.

They walked for a few more minutes and took a turn, they stopped dead in their tracks and froze. In front of them stood a man, his back propped up against a tree and smoked a cigarette. His head was shaved and wore a mean frown on his face. Luckily for him, he was completely oblivious of the three onlookers who stared from a safe distance. Blue Eyes motioned for them to retreat slowly while they had the chance until Clova unintentionally stepped on a twig followed by a short snap. 

The man's head whipped around to their direction and dropped his cigarette in shock. The three stayed close to the tree, their only form of protection. He cautiously held his hands open to the ape as a surrender. Blue Eyes stayed in front of Clova and Ash the whole time, his arm held out to her in which she gripped in fear. She eyed the man, he looked like her and part of her seemed intrigued, the other completely petrified.

"Its okay. Its okay.", he repeated calmly. 

He continued his motion as his hands quivered in fear. The man suddenly fiddled with his pocket and brought out a gun. He aimed it at the defenceless apes and then to Clova who gripped Blue Eyes arm tightly as she stared at the strange object. 

"Why are you with them?! These animals!", he shouted angrily. Clova didn't answer and hid behind her older brother, she understood english but refused his question. He aimed the gun back to Blue Eyes who snarled ferociously. Ash glanced at the gun and then to Blue Eyes who was still snarling, he attempted to go closer making small baby steps. Clova noticed his movements and shook her head but Ash continued anyway, wanting to shield his friend.

Though his movements were slow, the man quickly took notice and faced the gun at Ash and held his aim. "Freeze!", the man didn't hesitate and pulled the trigger.


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