Chapter 26- Human's Work

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Back at home, Clova watched over her younger brother as he played with Blossom. She came around almost daily, not that she was complaining, Clova loved Blossom. They were very close friends. 

While they were playing, Clova rubbed Cornelia's head, the obas tried everything but they simply couldn't tell what's wrong with her. Cornelia slept in Clova's lap, her head supported on her stomach. Her breathing was strained and hoarse, her condition sometimes drew Clova to tears, seeing her mother in this state was upsetting.

A few hours ago, Caesar and a small number of apes left with the man who led them to 'place' he told them about. Koba insisted on going and was the only ape armed with a weapon in case anything got more suspicious. Clova wanted to go along as well, mostly she wanted to observe humans more, she thought she was the last and only one but much to her dismay, Caesar instructed her to stay behind and watch over her sick mother. She didn't complain but was very disappointed. 


Caesar kept his guard up and travelled anthropomorphically on his two legs whereas the other apes on all fours. Rocket caught up to Caesar and eyed the man in front of them.

"How do you know he's telling the truth?", he questioned.

"I don't know.", he simply answered. 

They crossed a rocky path built over a waterfall made from large logs and sticks, it looked dangerous and Caesar only questioned the man's intentions even more. After they all crossed safely, the apes arrived at a small deserted shack, it was obviously run down. The mossy wall and dirt smeared windows and doors showed its ageing. 

"In here.", he said. Caesar followed the man and led his apes into the old building. 

"This is what we called the small hydra.", he explained. He pointed to a small station equipped with mouldy buttons and levers. The man moved over to the other side and climbed down the stairs as he continued.

"We used this years ago until the power went out so we've been using diesel and gas.", Caesar listened to his each and every word, trying to process all the information.

"But if we can get this dam working, we have a shot at restoring limited power.", once he finished, he turned to look at Caesar, who wore a blank expression as well as the other apes. Malcolm huffed quietly and walked towards him.

"Is any of this making any sense to you?", he forgot for a moment he was talking to apes. Caesar shook his head.

"The...lights.", he summarised. Malcolm sighed in relief that they understood and were getting somewhere.

"I know this is your home and I don't want to take that away from you, I promise.", he said sincerely. One ape however wasn't buying it.

"But if you could allow us to let us do our work here-", he was interrupted by an angered Koba.

"You. Brought. Others?", he snarled. Malcolm turned to Koba, his face flushed. "J-just a few.", he admitted, Caesar had a disapproved look.

"I promise we are no threat to you.", Caesar didn't say anything an Koba just scoffed. "If I am, then I guess you can kill me."

Caesar wasn't sure whether to trust him, he seemed honest and trustworthy compared to the other humans especially the jerk who shot Ash. Rapid, heavy footsteps were heard entering the shack, everyone turned their heads. The person who entered was Clova who stood in the doorway completely out of breath, strands of hair stuck to her sweaty forehead as she walked tiredly towards her father who looked down at her slightly irritated and shook his head. 

"I followed you guys here, I wanted to come.", she explained. Caesar huffed.

"I told to stay home.", Clova knew she wasn't going to get the reaction she wanted from him, disobeying his orders and all. "To look after your mother."

"Tho obas came back and told me to wait outside so I came here to pass time.", Caesar allowed it for the time being, they had more important matters to attend to. Malcolm just stood their and stared at the young child, so comfortable and free around the apes. Clova, aware of the man's direct eye contact to hers took small steps behind Caesar trying to shield herself from the man's uncomfortable gaze.

Caesar turned his head to the man then his fellow apes, majority wore faces of approval, a few frowned in anger, not pleased with Caesar's incoming decision.

"You. Stay."


The sun had fallen and all the apes had gathered around the large fire as they ate their dinner, Caesar had allowed the humans to camp in another part of the woods and do their work on one condition. They had to surrender their guns and weapons, he wanted to insure they wouldn't be a threat to them.

Once all the guns were counted, Rocket broke and disassembled the guns one by one, after the weapons were destroyed, Ash threw the remains into the fire to burn. Clova ate her food silently next to Blue Eyes and watched the gun pieces crackle in the fire, she felt sad at Blue Eyes' actions earlier and thought he couldn't look at her the same anymore. As an ape.

 Koba sat in a corner, he wasn't at all pleased with Caesar's decision and all the other apes okay with humans living in the woods with them. He grunted angrily and didn't hesitate to question Caesar, all apes watched in shock at his arrogance.

"Humans are bad! Why help them?", he signed angrily. He gave Clova a glare. Caesar signed back reasonably.

"They seem desperate. If we make them go, they'll attack.", Caesar could tell it was obvious Koba didn't care and refused to take in what he was saying to him. 

"Let! them!", Koba argued stubbornly. "We'll destroy them while they're weak!", he signed, very confident in his plan to destroy humans. Caesar looked at him in disappointment, he understood Koba's painful past and suffering but didn't expect his blindness to lead him this far.

"And how many apes will die?", he asked him, gesturing to all the other apes. Tension grew stronger, Koba really didn't like what he was hearing. 

"We have one chance for peace. Let them do their human work, then they'll leave."

Koba's blood boiled. 'Human work', he said, Caesar used the wrong choice of words. Koba brought his left arm and pointed at his faded scar.

"Human. Work.", he said.

He lowered his arm and raised a finger to the crook of his neck, a large patch of where his fur used to be was replaced with another scar.

"Human. Work.", he repeated.

Everyone watched as Koba proved his point, rage burning in his throat as he spoke louder. He brought up his right arm to Caesar and pointed at his forearm. A long pink scar ran along it from his elbow to his palm.

"Human! Work!", he said. Koba couldn't contain his anger and used his thumb to graze his most taunting scar over his blind eye. 


Caesar understood his pain but refused to to allow Koba and his vengeful past get the best of him. He stood up and immediately, Koba regretted his actions and looked to the ground, slightly embarrassed at his outburst. Clova understood now. His strong dislike towards her and mean remarks reminded him of humans, like her. She couldn't blame him at all now but Koba had lived with Clova her whole life and should know she was nothing like them.

Koba admitted his wrong doing and raised his open palm to his king. Caesar looked down at him, this was his second outburst about his orders and was growing tired of it. He swiftly wiped his fingers against his palm and watched Koba sprint off in shame. The naive teenager, Blue Eyes put down his plate and spoke up.

"Father.", he called. "Koba say apes should hate humans." Caesar looked at Clova, who was indeed very upset at the situation and stopped Blue Eyes from continuing. 

"Enough!", he ordered. He looked at the direction Koba left in.

"From humans, Koba learned to hate. But nothing else."

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