Chapter 20- The Arguement

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Clova crossed her arms, her eyes narrowed forward, blazing with anger and huffed deliberately in utter frustration. Caesar who was aware of her stubborn behaviour glanced at her from time to time as they both walked towards Blue Eyes, who was arranging wood with his best friend, Ash. Blue Eyes, who saw them approach smiled but then raised his brow at Clova's unusual bothered expression.

"What's wrong, Clova?", he signed concerned. Clova didn't respond and turned to the side, letting out a louder huff through her nostrils. Blue Eyes looked back at his father, a puzzled look on both his and Ash's face.

"Clova will be joining you on your weekly hunts instead of her usual tasks.", He explained. Her death piercing glare faced the floor as Caesar went on.

"She can't see I'm doing this for her own safety.", Caesar signed. 

Clova scoffed in retort at his so called excuse, she thought he didn't trust her enough and only lowered her chances of being able to do capable things. She was secretly too nervous to meet Caesar's gaze after her smart remark as she could feel his signature stare burning her skin, the look he gives when crossed or questioned by his authority. Caesar didn't retaliate and brushed off Clova's attitude with ease, he faced his son and tossed him a spear before walking off.    Inside, Clova felt guilty and immediately regretted her actions. Ash noticed her guilty frown and knelt down to her level.

"Don't worry, tomorrow we'll have lots of fun hunting.", he signed trying to cheer her up. "Today, you will pick fruits and berries with the females."  

He gave her a pat on the back and left her to do her activities. Clova sat down in Blue Eyes and Ash's previous spot as she waited for the apes. It wasn't long before a small group of females walked over to her and handed her a makeshift basket, she took the basket they handed her and they all walked out the Ape Village.

 Fluent chitters and grunts echoed the area, the females enjoyed their conversations while performing their tasks and each of their baskets overloaded very quickly. Clova eyes stared at the berry shrub in boredom, repeatedly picking berries and fruits in a slow robotic movement. One of the females who noticed and that female was Blossom's mother. She too had dark brown fur like her daughter with light, glowing emerald eyes. She approached Clova and grunted softly snapping Clova out of her bored trance.

"Clova, are you okay? What's wrong?", Clova replied and shook her head.



A few hours later, Clova had arrived back home with the females carrying over filled nets full of different varieties of fruit. She wanted to find Caesar and apologise, she had never gotten into a spat with him before and felt undeniably guilty. She looked around, Cornelia was seated with a friend by the camp fire while Cornelius played with Blossom in the corner. She smiled at the sight, those two were absolutely adorable. She scanned the area and saw her brother and Ash lift chunks of wood. Clova decided not to bother them so she doesn't distract them from their work.

The only ape she saw available was the one and only grumpy ape in the entire village, Koba. He sat alone in a corner by a small fire for warmth and snapped twigs aggressively. Clova gulped, she imagined those twigs as her spine and bones being broken by Koba if she dared cross him. She was out of options, there was no one else close to Caesar that she could talk to and it's not like he'll try to murder her, at least not in public she hoped.

Clova made up her mind, gathered her courage and took a few breaths. She held her head high, not wanting to reveal any signs of fear and marched towards him. Koba heard footsteps and his ear twitched. He looked up and saw her and eyed her in disgust before focusing his attention back to the snapped twigs. Clova scowled. He didn't even acknowledge her existence. She had asked her family so many times why Koba hated her so much and all they ever told her was that he had a very traumatic past. She became bolder and sat right beside him, Clova watched him bare his teeth in fury, fully aware of her presence close to him and dropped his sticks in frustration, he turned his head to snarl at her.

She winced in slight fear but shook it off, he wasn't going to get to her. "I need some advice.", she started, he kept a straight face.

"I think Father is disappointed with me because of my rude attitude this morning,", her eyes stung as she felt the brim of her eyelids fill with tears. The thought of Caesar mad at her really upset her, but again refused to express any weak emotion in front of Koba. Koba leaned over and rubbed her back, to her shock and signed back.

"It's humans nature to cause deliberate harm and misery upon others."

Her mouth dropped at his words. How could he be so heartless, so insensitive and so harsh. She opened up to him about something so personal towards her and he signs that?! If there is one thing Clova has, it's an ill-mannered, short temper. Her nose flared in anger, her eyes were now moist with laces of tears and clenched her fists so hard, her knuckled turned white. Koba however, wasn't at all intimidated by her action and snarled, bearing his fanged teeth at her. Clova responded with a harsher snarl and exposed her teeth and gums to the scarred bonobo. Koba shocked by her unexpected action, slammed his fists against the ground and stood up to his full height and overshadowed her.

"Watch. Your. Back.", he warned threateningly. Clova watched him walk off and took a deep breath.

"Watch y-yours.", she responded.

Her voice boomed with intimidation. Clova rarely used english but this is the first time she spoke so boldly, so threateningly especially in front of Koba. He glared at her for a moment, her words lingered in her head before storming off.

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