Chapter 37- Like Father Like Son

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Special Chapter in Blue Eyes POV😀

Swarms of panicked cries and screams scattered all over the city ruins. Only last night the war began and the apes won. I fought for revenge and justice for my father's death but then something hit me. A sudden and brief wave of guilt that passed through my mind, as more apes began to retreat, Koba kept going. He was filled with madness; shooting recklessly at humans, then capturing and caging them. I thought this fight was to avenge my father, our king but now I've seen a side of Koba with a stone cold passion of hate for humans that can never be changed.

His sudden bellows made me wince, "Go! More humans out there! Find them!" 

Apes followed commands and dragged out any remaining humans that were hiding. How could they not see this was wrong? The streets were even more hectic. Children were being torn away from their parents and shoved into packed cages, some were even shot if they resisted. I looked up over to Koba where he stood over the humans in his sick, twisted glory.

"Humans!", he barked.

"You ape prisoner now!", he stated harshly, "You will know life in cage!" All this chaos, this rampage because of his heavy grudge over ten years ago. I don't know what i was thinking before, humans aren't monsters...we were the monsters. As I walked, I noticed a scrappy, yellow bus and squinted inside through the metal bars. I stopped dead in my tracks.


Maurice was chained to the bus, his hands locked together attached to the ceiling, this was a horrible state to see him in. I looked to the back and saw Luca and Rocket tied up as well. Rocket's eyes were stained, like he'd been crying. He probably heard about Ash's death. This was absolutely no way for a father to find out like this. I looked back to Maurice questioningly.

"Koba say we're too loyal to your father.", he explained. I felt tears in the brim of my eyes and looked sadly to them.

"Protect yourself.", he warned me. 

I was suddenly shoved roughly in the side and looked around to see all the apes hooting with madness. I had to be careful, as for my mother and brother, I hoped they were safe away from this madness and Clova if she was alright. My thoughts were cut when Koba's rough calls summoned us and I walked over uneasily.

"Go check on the females and young, we will bring them here in two days.", he sent a few apes off. Then gathered the remaining.

"Go back into the woods and look for Clova. When you find her bring her here.", he ordered. Another ape raised his arm grabbing Koba's attention.

"What if she's gone? There's no point.", he stated.

 Koba gave a low growl at his words and raised his gun and in a split second shot numerous bullets into his chest. This startled everyone and all the humans ducked and quivered in fear as more apes backed away. My chest was heaving as I as well as everyone else just stared at Koba in disbelief and complete terror. The mad bonobo returned our stare coldly as he placed the gun back on his back.

"Caesar is gone." 

His piercing glare locked with everyone's. "Apes. Follow. Koba. Now.", he said each word slowly and carefully making sure we processed everything he said. When he saw the trembling head shakes from other apes, he turned back to us and continued. 

"Now,", he started. "Find Clova and bring. Her. Here.", he repeated. I raised my own hand slightly which was quickly noticed by Koba. 


He just looked at me and smirked, bearing his twisted snarl and chuckled lowly. He took his fist and slammed it into his palm making punching gestures before signing,

"To kill her."

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