Chapter 23- Survivors

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A loud gunshot echoed through the forest alerting everyone in the Ape Village, Caesar stayed home that day to monitor Cornelia. The two were resting on their bed when Caesar sprung up at the loud bang. Cornelia stirred awake at the sound.

"What was that?", she signed tiredly.

"It's okay, go back to sleep.", he reassured.

Horror dawned on his face as he recognised the familiar sound and immediately gathered his Ape Army.


Ash fell to the ground with a thud, both Blue Eyes and Clova jumped at the sound. She clammed her eyes shut and clasped her hands over her ears and tried to block out the noise, Clova opened her eyes, mortified at what she saw. Ash was on the ground, one arm held his wound as he gasped erratically. She sprinted and knelt by Ash's side and supported his head in her lap, Blue Eyes screeched at their attacker in fear and tried to alert the apes.

"Stay!", he demanded. "Help!", Blue Eyes stood his ground and screeched louder as he tried to protect his sister and injured friend. The man still held his gun high, not afraid to shoot another bullet at the terrified ape.

"No! Shut up!", Within the woods arrived a small group of people who heard the crazy man's distress call. Hearing their footsteps, the man turned around but didn't remove his aim on the gun.

"Hey, over here!", he called. The group came to a halt at the scene, their eyes widened as they looked over to the armed member.

"I shot him. I-I shot him.", part of him sounded proud and they all exchanged looks to the suffering ape. Moments later, loud yells and shrieks emerged from the trees and ambushed the group of intruders. The apes surrounded their path and they gripped their weapons and began to aim at the apes when a sudden thud landed beside them. Rocket pointed a spear at them, growling and hooting angrily as he made his way to Blue Eyes and Clova. 

The war cries from the apes stopped and the humans watched in wonder as one, bold ape stood upon a ledge high and mighty above them. He grunted commands to them and signalled them to different positions when Rocket let out his signature hoot.

"They shot Ash! Shot my son!", he cried. 

Caesar stared in disbelief at Ash's state, Rocket held his son and comforted him as Clova was shielded by her older brother. He turned to Rocket.

"Rocket, wait.", Rocket stopped hooting and tried to calm down as he cradled his only and injured child.

Caesar faced the humans and eyed them, they returned the same stare theirs mainly being fearful. A man didn't remove eye contact with Caesar and seemed interested, he wore a light blue raincoat and a round, brown hat. He took a few steps forward much to Caesar and his group's dislike. A female grasped his hand, she had brown hair and dark brown eyes. Clova examined the group, they looked just like her.

"Malcolm, what are you doing?", she questioned. Her voice was clear and hesitant. A younger yet taller male spoke out.

"Dad, what are you doing?", he asked hesitantly. His voice shook with absolute fear.

"It's okay.", he reassured. The man named 'Malcolm' cautiously walked towards the ape leader and showed no sign of threat. 

"We don't mean any harm!", he said trying to reassure the large group of apes.

Ash's assaulter spoke up, still holding gun high."They're apes, man.", he stated obviously. "Do you think they understand what you're saying?"

Malcolm just shook his head. "Do they look like just apes to you?", he questioned aloud. He observed the apes faces, some smeared with war paint and growled ferociously.

 He looked to the other side, they all held their spears up and could plunge them with it at any moment, their faces showed detailed expressions as they narrowed their piecing green orbs at the humans. Caesar however, glared at him and the armed weapon he held in his hand. Malcolm followed the ape's gaze to his own hand and looked back at him knowing what he was thinking.

"Put your guns down.", he ordered.

An older guy, with dark skin and a thick american accent spoke out on his leader's request, completely dumbfounded. "You can't be serious.", he questioned seriously.

"I am, do it.", he said. 

The whole time he locked his baby blue eyes on Caesar's dark green ones, neither leader showing any signs of breaking down anytime soon. Malcolm and the rest of his group surrendered reluctantly and lowered their guns to the side, Malcolm spread his arms out wide and in the air, indicating they're not a threat. Caesar still wasn't satisfied and his face churned into and angered and enraged grimace.

"GO!", he bellowed. 

The group of humans trembled in fear and gasped in shock. Even a few apes shook at his unexpected outburst. They murmured in disbelief and cautiously took a few steps back. Becoming slightly impatient, Caesar gracefully jumped down and stood to his full threatening height only then, the humans took him seriously. Malcolm walked back a bit faster, holding his arms in surrender.

"Okay, okay we're leaving.", he said. Koba became just as angry and followed Caesar's command.

"GO!", he echoed. Soon a series of "go's" vibrated across the trees. The humans retreated in a panic, the young boy slipped and frantically searched around in the plants. Malcolm grabbed the boy's arm and yanked him back up.

"My bag!", he cried.

The adult didn't listen as they continued running. Some apes were tempted to run after them, but were stopped by Caesar who watched them fled out of the woods. Maurice walked up to Caesar and looked in the area the young boy searched through moments ago. He pulled out a one strap, brown bag and handed it over to Caesar, he looked at the bag and then the direction where the humans just ran, he returned the leather sack back to Maurice.

"Koba!", Koba walked up and stood at Caesar's side. 


 Koba and his henchmen, Stone and Grey sprinted off into the woods and followed the human's truck from above in the trees as their camouflage. He sent the rest of the ape army back home, a few apes helped Ash on a spare horse. Clova sat by Blue Eyes and gripped his hand, still shaken by the experience. 

Caesar walked over to her and leaned down to her level, he patted Blue Eyes' shoulder and calmed him down, he was also shaken. Clova held her knees to her chest, she didn't notice her father in front of her.  He gently placed his hand on her back, waking her back to her senses.

"Are you okay?", he signed. No answer.

They walked back home with the other apes, Clova was carried on Blue Eyes' back and she was still in shock. Caesar turned to check on them, the two didn't say or sign a word. 

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