Chapter 1- Found

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The story takes place in Dawn for the Planet of the Apes.
Have fun reading!😄


Ten years.

Ten years since the virus outbreak and the human population was perished. San Francisco was left in a hell hole. Buildings have collapsed into ruins, streets deserted and seas of moss and overgrown vines engulfed the whole city. The Redwoods remained as the apes' sanctuary. Their home.


The word meant warmth, safety, it was Caesar's favourite word. He sat upright beside his sound asleep wife and newborn child as he watched from his hut the horizon slowly illuminated the forest, overshadowing the dimly lit torches that were strung up across the Ape Village. Moments after the break of dawn, everyone in the village began to stir. Light footsteps approached the entrance, Caesar turned his head to see his eldest son Blue Eyes arrive at the door of the hut.

"Ash and I are going fishing.", he signed, asking for his father's approval.

Caesar replied with a simple nod and Blue Eyes grabbed his hand carved spear and net before he left the hut with Ash recruited by his side. The two teenagers rode their black horses out of the Ape Village, on their way to the river.

Later that morning, Maurice sat with Caesar, they both gazed at the fallen ruins of what used to be the Golden Gatebridge. A displeased frown on his face and Maurice immediatly took notice.

"Still think about them?", he signed. Slightly concerned about his expression.

"Humans?", he questioned in sign language. He shrugged his shoulders blantly.

"Sometimes.", he admitted.

"I didn't know them like you did.", Maurice added. "Only saw their bad side."

"Well, good or bad, doesn't matter anymore.", He signed. "Humans destroyed each other."

"Apes fight too.", Maurice reminded. Caesar gave him a genuine smile.

"True, but we are family.", he stated sincerely. Maurice smiled at his words and looked back at the city, Caesar did the same.

"Wonder if they're really all gone?", Caesar thought aloud.

"Ten winters now and no sign of them.", he replied in sign. "They must be gone.", he clarified.


Back at the river, Blue Eyes and Ash had their spears in postion, ready to plunge it into the next fish that swam by. Ash had spotted one and thrust his spear into the shallow depths of the river but unfortunately, missed.

Stubborn to admit defeat, he saw Blue Eyes hold his spear at the ready, his eyes focused as the fish swam by closer and closer, he slowly raised his spear, his target in sight. Before Blue Eyes could capture his prey, Ash purposely poked Blue Eyes in the rib, his prey lost. Frustrated, he turned to an amused Ash and poked him back just as hard.

"What the hell was that for?!", he signed angrily. Ash just laughed and pushed him playfully.

Annoyed at his childishness, Blue Eyes cupped his hand into the water and splashed it on his face. Ash returned the same gesture and minutes later, they were play wrestling.

An hour later, Blue Eyes and Ash trekked through the woods, Ash continued to mock Blue Eyes on his fail to catch fish and threw the empty net over his head in mockery.

"Ha, Blue Eyes, you should've seen your face!", He teased. Blue Eyes rolled his eyes.

As they rode on, sudden loud cries echoed from the inner depths of the woods. Blue Eyes and Ash both jumped at the unusual sound.

"What is that?", Ash signed as he covered his ears to ignore the heavy cries.

"I don't know. Could be an animal.", He replied. The cries only got louder and more strained.

"Well, it's driving me crazy!", Ash complained.

Blue Eyes and Ash got off their horses tried to make out where the noise began. He listened carefully and heard the wails emerge from a worn down bush that was propted up between two trees.

"The sound is coming from there.", He announced. He pointed to Ash where the cries came from and slowly approached the bush, their grip tightened on their spears.

As they got closer, they could see the bush had been messed with, a worn out, damp cardboard box was shoved in the branches, where the cries were heard.

Ash poked the box with the tip of his spear, the box reacted with louder, prolonged wails. Blue Eyes gave Ash a glare and hesitated as he cautiously opened the box.

Their faces were blank as they eyed the little being inside the box. It had no fur, it's ears were small, instead It had flushed skin and a large patch of brown hair on it's head.

"What is that thing?", Ash signed as he examined the small creature. Blue Eyes shook his head, his eyes fastened on the thing in the box.

"Don't know.", he replied. The child was wrapped in a dirty blanket and trembled severely, it's cheeks were flushed a sore red with marks and swollen bumps all over it's body. Ash then took pity on the helpless infant as he saw the outline of its ribcage, a rash had spread all over it's chest as it had been starving.

"Should we take it?", Ash suggested.

Blue Eyes snapped a shock look at him, "No.", he signed, clearly alarmed at the idea. Ash looked at the wailing child clearly suffering from malnutrition and insisted.

"It'll die out here."

His face concerned for the infant. Blue Eyes turned again to look at the child that stirred in the blanket, shivering furiously at the lack of warmth. He then turned to Ash, his decision made up.

"Fine, we'll take it."

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