Chapter 31- His Scarred Rage

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Clova tried to hide her grin, Carver protested as Foster forcefully dragged him out of the camp. She snickered a little, Carver had no chance against him, Foster was much bigger and stronger. Once the two were out of sight, Malcolm walked up to Caesar and his troop.

"Okay? He's gone.", Caesar gave him a satisfied nod.

Some of his trusted allies offered to accompany the humans to finish their work faster. For the past few days there were no signs of Koba and unknowingly for them, the bonobo had sinister plans of his own.

(Back at San Francisco human base.)

More loud gunshots were fired from each of the two rifles being tested out back. The two half drunken men sat back and poured each other another full cup of beer. The blonde laid back and sighed in satisfaction.

"Now this is the good stuff.", the other nodded in cheers to his words. The small Mexican looked up and chocked on his drink, arriving into the bunker was the one and only Koba, his swag and chill attitude didn't amuse the men one bit.

"What the hells' wrong with you?", he barked. "I thought we told you to go home?! "The ape only walked closer, the taller one realises he wasn't going to stop shouted in protest.

"No! Go home!", Koba walked even closer. 

Growing impatient, his partner clocked his gun and aimed at the bonobo who flung his arms above his head in a surrender. The two chuckled at Koba's gesture, seeing he understood what a gun was.

"Well he understood that didn't he?", they laughed.

 Koba suddenly rolled towards them, his hands remained in a surrender position. His sudden action startled the men and they grew more cautious when the bold ape sat beside them. The men continued their drinking but paused at Koba's hoots.

"You thirsty?", asked the tall man. The ape pointed at the bottle then his mouth and they could guess what he meant.

"Oh you wanna drink, fugly?", snickered the smaller man, he elbowed his friend and passed him the bottle. "Give 'em some, man and see what happens.", he encouraged. 

Just as they were about to pour Koba a glass, he yanked the bottle from his hand and chugged it down, he gurgled it in his mouth and grimaced. Disliking the taste, the bonobo sprayed the men in their beverage and the two were in a fit of laughter. Seeing them distracted, the devious ape swiftly swiped the armed rifle from the stocky man who sat up stiffly and they both gazed in fear as the ape shot them dead in their tracks. Retrieving what he wanted, he returned back to the Ape Village very, very satisfied and out for blood.


Back at the tower, the generator was almost functioning and ready to use, Clova not having a clue on what to to, stood by Maurice. 

"Yo, Alex.", Foster called. Alexander walked over to him, as he did, the gentle orangutan watched with soft eyes as he walked past. Clova noticed this and smiled.

"Your growing really fond of him.", she stated. Maurice looked at her.

"Don't worry, you will always be my favourite human.", he promised sweetly. Clova smiled brightly and gave Maurice a hug.

The fun soon came to a halt and a dark presence had arrived. Koba had entered with his group and shockingly, Blue Eyes. He climbed hurriedly and stormed up to an ape.

"Caesar?", he signed as he spoke gruffly. 

The timid ape pointed to the other room to where Caesar was. Alexander was unlucky to pass Koba as he was shoved to the floor forcefully by the angered bonobo. 

"Hey!", he cried. 

Annoyed by the boy's cry, Koba spun around and hovered over him. Clova noticed and jumped in front of Alexander, she knew fully well with what little speck of decency Koba had was that he couldn't lay a finger on her, Caesar would kill him. 

But that didn't stop Koba from getting closer and closer, he was suddenly blocked from the two humans as Maurice being the gentle peacemaker he was had stood in front of them. Koba wasn't stupid, Maurice was way bigger than him and knew he shouldn't take the orangutan's kindness for granted.

"Where's Caesar?", he spoke hoarsely. "Want Caesar!", everyone stood quiet.

"CAESAR!", he bellowed.

As on command everyone faced the door, Koba followed their gaze to the entrance where Caesar and Malcolm had entered. The ape leader walked slowly towards the ill-tempered bonobo as he lashed out.

"Humans attack your sons!", he stated angrily and walked up to Caesar. "You. Let them. Stay?!", he gestured to all the other apes in the room.

"Put apes in danger!", he accused. 

By now the two were standing a short distance away from each other, the tension increased rapidly. "Caesar love humans more than apes!", everyone remained quiet as Koba went on, he raised a finger and jabbed Caesar in the chest.

"More than your sons!", Koba had pushed the line.

 Caesar eyes went to Blue Eyes who stood at the back of the room with Clova, his face laced with disappointment, he turned face to face with Koba and clenched his fists. His breathing became ragged and his face twisted into a angered scowl, his nose flared and he inhaled sharply. He snapped.

With a ferocious war cry, Caesar jumped Koba and pinned him to the floor, all eyes were on the two apes who battled on the ground. Clova watched in complete shock as Caesar beat Koba to the degraded pulp he was, she had never, ever seen him so worked up, so violent and angry. 

The apes whooped loudly at the scene as Caesar bashed his fists against Koba's face repeatedly, drawing blood each time. His fingers wrapped tightly around his throat and yanked his head around against the metal flooring and roared in frustration. Koba's face was soaked with blood, some of his scares reopened, his teeth shattered and blind eye was bloodshot. Caesar released his grip on his neck and took a step back. 

"Ape not kill...ape.", he remembered.

Koba had never felt so embarrassed and looked up to see most apes refuse eye contact with him and looked down ashamedly. The injured bonobo struggled to stand on his two and knelt down in front of Caesar, he raised his bloody palm up to him.

"Forgive me.", Caesar still slightly angry, quickly touched his hand and watched as Koba sped off out of the tower.

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