Chapter 38- Desperate Measures

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The drive was bumpy. Malcolm was at the wheel driving into the city, seated next to him was Ellie and Alexander sat at the back. In the trunk of the truck Clova stayed beside Caesar, firmly pressing her hands on his wound to prevent more bleeding. The bumpy ride made that a bit difficult.

As they drove passed a few buildings, Caesar hooted weakly. Ellie snapped her head around at the sudden noise. "Caesar, what is it?", she asked. He sat up and looked out the window, his eyes focused on a certain building. He suddenly hit the window with his fist as a sign to stop the vehicle.

"Wait, stop!", Clova said at her father's sudden reaction. Malcolm immediately pulled over and stopped in front of an old, deserted house.

"Wait, what are we doing here?", Alexander questioned. Malcolm shook his head.

"I don't know but we need a place to hide him for now."

They opened the back of the truck and carefully carried Caesar inside. Clova followed behind as they entered, her eyes focused on every furniture and decor. She had never seen buildings quite like this at least not up this close. Luckily, the living room was still slightly in tact as it provided a snug couch. Ellie and Malcolm gently set the weak ape down and checked his pulse. It was faint. She rubbed his head soothingly and applied more pressure to his chest wound. Malcolm checked a few more rooms for any cushions or pillows and placed them behind Caesar's head.

Alexander turned to the fireplace, something caught his eye. He picked up a dusty photograph and scanned it his eyes widening. He showed the photo to Malcolm, Ellie and Clova who stared at the photo stunned. Clova looked to her father.

"Who's that?"

Caesar just looked at her. Clova took his silence as an answer either he was too weak to speak or the man was just important which didn't need discussion. After examining the photo he handed it to Clova who stepped aside to look at it in private. She recognised the infant chimp in the photograph to be Caesar, she didn't need an answer from him to tell if they knew each other well, the bond between the two was clear in the picture. It then clicked that this was probably his house since he immediately recognised the house he hasn't seen in a decade, which would also explain the photograph.

"Clova.", Malcolm called. Clova turned when she heard her name and Malcolm gestured for her to come over.

"I'm going into the city to get supplies for your dad. I'll be back in a few hours.", he explained. Clova looked into the living room, Caesar's eyes were closed and she could tell from his shallow breathing that he was getting weaker and weaker, she turned back to Malcolm with a straight face.

"I'm coming."

Ellie touched her shoulder with a worried face. "No, it's too dangerous and Caesar needs you here."

"I can't stay here and do nothing when I could be out helping to get the supplies my father needs.", she said sharply with glossy eyes.

"He can't die.", she muttered. She looked at them pleadingly. "Please."

Malcolm sighed and nodded. "I'll be waiting outside.", he said.

Clova entered the living room once more and knelt down beside her father. His arms were limp as she grasped his hand. "I will be back soon.", she gently squeezed his hand and planted a kiss on his forehead. "I love you, daddy." She took in a breath and left the house and entered the truck Malcolm was waiting in.

As she strapped herself in, he gave her one last questioning look. "You sure? Are you ready?"

With a determined look, she responded.


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