Chapter 13-Moving On

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Blue Eyes and Luca used buckets to fetch water from the stream and Koba collected and snapped logs to use for fire, Caesar and Rocket travelled out further into the woods to hunt while Ash stayed with the rest and kept Clova company.

"Favourite fruit?", Ash asked.

"Berries.", she answered.

"Favourite flower?"

"The marigold flower."

Ash thought for a second."Favourite ape?"

"Me!", Clova giggled. Ash chuckled at her answer, Koba looked down from above in the tree he was in and let out an annoyed grimace as he continued his work.

"Your turn.", Clova signed excitedly.

"Favourite tree?", she asked.

"Oak trees, big and strong.", he answered as flexed his muscles.

Clova burst out in a laugh at his actions and held her tummy. Koba, who was getting very irritated as he tried to focus on his work let out a furious war cry. This startled everyone and looked up to Koba who snarled at them, bearing his jagged teeth.

"Ash! How about you get some work done like everyone else?!", he snapped.

Ash huffed and got up, he walked to Luca and Blue Eyes and helped them with the river. Clova frowned, she sat on a fallen log and watched and swung her legs in boredom.

An hour later, footsteps were heard approaching their spot, Clova turned her head and saw Caesar and Rocket. She jumped from her seat and ran to them, Caesar dropped his nets and opened his arms, ready for her incoming embrace and hugged her. He carried her on his back as they returned back, the rest continued their work, when Blue Eyes saw them he walked to them overjoyed.

"Father!", he greeted.

Ash gave his father the same affection when Rocket came and Luca approached them both as he welcomed them.

"How did the hunt go?", he asked.

"We caught a baby deer, and collected lots of pears.", Rocket replied as he held up the dead carcass.

Clova who still hung on Caesar's back, tapped his shoulder. He adjusted her on his hip so they met face to face.

"Ash and I were playing games. I asked him questions and he answered and then he asked me questions then I answered.", she said happily. Caesar smiled knowing she had fun, her smile suddenly faded when she looked up, her gaze turned to Caesar's shoulder and played with his fur. He grunted to get her attention.

"What's wrong?", he signed.

She pointed to the tree she was just looking at a second ago. Caesar followed her finger to see Koba sat between branches growling. Caesar in return, flared a snarl at him and turned Clova around to avoid eye contact.

"Can we going home now?"

The horses gave an arrival whinny, the apes went to greet their fellow King and council as they dismounted their horses. Cornelia heard their arrival and went to greet them, Blue Eyes saw his mother holding Cornelius' hand and ran over to meet them.

"Mother!", he signed happily. While they hugged, Cornelius let go of Cornelia's hand and climbed Blue Eyes' back. Cornelia shook her head, amused with Cornelius' childish behaviour.

"Cornelius,", she scolded slightly, "greet your brother."

Cornelius hugged Blue Eyes from behind as he clung to his back. Caesar walked to them with Clova in his hand, the two lovers gently bumped heads while Clova went off and played tag with Cornelius around the Ape Village. Blue Eyes and Cornelia head up into their hut while Caesar looked for Koba, his problem with Clova was going to end today.

Koba was in a hut, seated with Grey and Stone when Caesar walked in. He twisted his head towards the entrance, indicating for Grey and Stone to exit. Once Caesar and Koba were alone, Caesar walked up to Koba and sat down beside him, his face wore a displeased frown.

"Koba.", he called. Koba looked at him.

"Your hate for humans has to end. Clova will be living with us for a long time, so you better get used to her.", he explained.

Koba frowned at his words and snarled angrily as he left. Caesar shook his head, he was never going to change.

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