2- The Patient

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I think y'all like the last little bit so... Here's the next part. Vote/comment please!❤️

*Starts right after the coffee scene*

Sarah didn't get time to finish her coffee. She looked up and she was getting pulled into a trauma room to assist Dr. Rhodes with a gun shot wound victim. It was a GSW to the lower leg of a 45 year old male. The patient was unconscious and losing blood. It was very hectic in that trauma room.

Gunshot wounds in Chicago were common, but this was the first gun shot wound Sarah has ever seen. She noticed how calm Connor looked and she wondered how he was so calm in crisis.. She felt like she was the polar opposite of Connor. Would she ever be like that?

Conner started to assess the situation. He began to do everything he could for this man. Eventually Connor looked up at Reese. Soon, he noticed how panicked she looked. "Reese, Can you find his wallet and take it to Maggie so we can figure out who this guy is." Sarah nodded as Connor snapped her out of the terrified daze she got in, "Of course.." She went to find his wallet. Sarah quickly and carefully found the wallet in his back pocket. Sarah started to look in the wallet for any ID. "I found something. The patients name is Joe Nickles." Connor nodded and Reese walked out to give the ID to Maggie. Sarah hoped they would be able to find his family and get down to the bottom of this. (Do you smell a PD crossover??😂)

After Reese handed and explained the ID to Maggie, she walked back to the Emergency Room. When she got there he was gone. When Sarah walked back out into the hall, they were rushing him to the elevated to go up to the OR. Sarah watched them wheel him away. 

After they disappeared down the hall she decided to head up to the cafeteria for food. While going through the line for food she ran into Dr. Charles. "Hey, you look flustered ms. I'm Dr. Charles," he pointed to the custom printed words on his white lab coat, "Head of psychiatry." Daniel gave Sarah his usual smiled, not showing any teeth. Cheeky. Reese smiled but, didn't say anything as she went through the food line. She told the lunch ladies what she wanted and they handed it to her. "This is when you're supposed to introduce yourself," Charles grabbed his food  and walked beside Sarah. 

"Oh Sorry, I'm Sarah Reese. It's my first day here. Seeing patients has me a little bit freaked." She sat down at her table. "That perfectly normal, Sarah. You're human" He told her and she looked up at him surprised. "Really?" Dr. Charles chuckled at Sarah. "Are you kidding me? I was a wreck. Have you seen people who are in the psych wing??" Sarah snickered and shook her head. After Sarah got done eating and talking, she stood up. She stood at the side of the table for a second. "Thank you Dr. Charles. See ya around."

Sarah walked back to the ED after lunch was over. She looked all around for Connor. He made he feel comfortable in a different way. He knew how to handle almost any situation, it felt like to Sarah.

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