13- Sudden Trauma

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I've been gone for a while, but I have missed writing a lot! I'm going to get back into it. Hopefully you didn't forget about me. :( Thanks for all the reads/votes! <3

Also... I am not caught up with Chicago Med... I still have to start season three.


The worst thing that can happen to the body is a sudden and unexpected trauma. The body is not the only thing affected by this sudden traumatic event. The mind is effect as well. Some say the mind is the thing that is effected for the longest amount of time and takes the longest to heal. Although it is not impossible to heal after a sudden traumatic event. It takes time. Time heals all.

Sarah started to stand up. Her ears were ringing. It was the only thing she could hear. Connor ran to the hall to check on her, "SARAH!" He helped her up and started to look at her head. "I'm fine..." Sarah said even though she couldn't hear herself talk.


They had Sarah go down to the ER to get showered and cleaned up. She had to get her head wound cleaned and taped up. They did a normal assessment. Sarah would have to miss a couple days of work but she would heal. The hard part will be getting through the mental trauma of seeing the bomb go off with someone carrying it. The part of the hospital that was damaged by the bomb would be under construction for a few days, but would not affect any part of treating patients.

Connor drove Sarah home. It was a long silent car ride, but at least they made it out in one piece. They got home and walked inside. Sarah got in the couch and fell asleep. Connor started to make dinner, occasionally looking to the couch to check on Sarah.

Connor finished cooking and walked over to the couch to get Sarah. When he looked down Sarah wasn't on the couch. "Sarah?" He asked. She didn't answer. He started to look around the apartment for any signs of where she went. He couldn't find her. He walked back to the living room and she was sitting in the kitchen. "Where did you go? I was looking for you.." He sat down beside her. "I went to the bathroom and now I'm sitting here." He laughed a little, " I guess I'm just a little worried about you is all.." Sarah smiled and put her hand on his shoulder, "You don't have to worry about me." She kissed his cheek. "I know," Connor smirked and looked at her for a second before getting up for food.

They got their plates ready and started to eat together. It will all be okay in the end. Right?

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