6- Match Day

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Soon(next few chapters) will be Christmas Rheese! YAY!
It was the morning of match day. The normal nerves for that day were becoming real for Sarah as she walked in the hospital. She quickly got in her scrubs and walked over to Connor, who was in the locker room drinking coffee. She looked at him and waited to see if he would say anything. "Good morning.. How was your night?" Connor asked her, looking up at her. "Last night?..It was okay. I slept fine.. how was your night?" Sarah asked back. "If I'm being honest, it was horrible. My sister came over," Connor sighed. Sarah smiled a little, "Oh come one, it couldn't have been that bad. Wa-" She was cut off by a slur of patients coming in.

"Multiple Trauma victims coming in, people! Better be ready!!" Maggie yelled at everyone in the ED. People began rushing gurnees in the ED loaded with patient. Sarah and Connor ran over to the first one in and took it to a trauma room. "35 Year old male, intoxicated. His blood alcohol levels are sky high, about 3.2." Connor that he raised eyebrows and looked at the cops, "Car accident?" He asked and she nodded. "Do you know his name?" "His name is Joe. Don't know the last name," she said before walking out of the room to get back to work. "Okay, Reese, What's our number one concern with incoming Trauma's like this??" "Airway and Damage control." Connor nodded as Sarah quickly started getting vitals. "He's got multiple contusions. We need the portable Head CT now!" Connor ordered at the nurses. The nurses listened to his order and ran out to get the things asked for. They ran back in with it and started to get the CT. Reese had started to stitch up a big cut to minimize blood loss and infection. 

After they got the guy cleaned up, Connor looked at her, "Reese, you just did great." Sarah smiled and looked at the clock. Her smile quickly fell, "Oh no! It's match day. I have to go." "Yeah. Go. Go." He told her as she quickly took her gloves off and threw them away. Reese ran out and to the right place for match day.

The people were calling names. Eventually, they got to Sarah. She walked up and grabbed envelope, She was really nervous to open it. She started to head back to med without looking in it.

When she got to Med, Connor met her at the doorway and walked in with her, "So, did you get what to want??" Connor asked Sarah eagerly wanted to find out what she got. "Haven't opened it yet." "What??" Connor grabbed her shoulders and stopped her. Sarah smiled and rolled her eyes as she grabbed the envelop from her bag. Sarah opened it and got the paper out. "I got it. I got the emergency department." Connor laughed before hugging her. "That's what you wanted, right?" Connor asked and Sarah nodded. She was smiling.

Sarah put the envelope away and got back to work. "Sarah, this calls for drinks at Molly's. You should go with us," Maggie smiled as she told Sarah, "Connor will be there," Maggie told Sarah as she was trying to interest her. "Why would you say Connor would be there??" "Oh. Come on... We all see the way you two look at each other..." Sarah started to blush a little. She walked away from Maggie and the desk to check on a patient.

Molly's After Shift

Sarah and Connor were sitting by each other at the bar. They had just ordered drinks, Sarah with wine and Connor with a beer. Hermann stood up on the bar, "I think this day calls for a toast. The one and only Sarah Reese got her match. The beautiful, brilliant woman is on her way to greatness." He got down from the bar and everyone clanked their drinks before taking a sip. "Herrmann, you didn't have to say that," Sarah told Hermann but he just winked at her as he walked away to tend to other customers. She turned back to Connor.

*2.... or 6 drinks later* Connor didn't drink more than one beer so he could drive Sarah home. They both stopped and looked at each other when they were in the parking lot. "I can't help but feel like we just keep getting closer," Connor told her. He smirked his hands were on her waist. "Except for the literal closeness right now," Sarah remarked as she usually does. 

They got in Connor's car. Connor drove to his apartment and helped her inside. He wanted to make sure she didn't hurt herself if she was home alone so Connor took her to his place. He put her in his bed. She was almost asleep immediately. Connor got in bed beside her and feel asleep. 

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