3- Day Two at Med

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After Reese found Connor, they walked out the hospital to the food cart together. As they walked they shared a view glances and smiles, but it was mostly silent. When they got to the food cart, bot of them looked at the menu and pondered about what they would order. "What do you recommend?" Sarah looked at him and smirked. "Well I recommend the the tofu kimche quesadilla."(don't know how to spell it) Reese nodded at his suggestion and thought about it for a second before ordering, "Can I get the garden salad?" She looked over to see Connor smiling and shaking his head. Sarah smiled and said "What?? You said I could get whatever I wanted?"

The vendor handed them the food. They walked back to the table to sit down and eat. Reese started to eat her salad. "How are you liking the hospital?" Sarah looked up from her salad, "Everyone is really nice. The patients are a different story. They sort of make me nervous." Connor looked at her before nodding and continuing to eat a little. They both looked up at each other at the same time, "I see pretty promising things in you, Sarah Reese." Sarah's looked like she didn't believe what he said, "What do you mean?" "I mean you're going to be a good doctor. Relax."

Both of them enjoyed their time together and definitely wanted to spend more time with the other. They start to talk more about their medical class experiences and bond over a few of their family troubles.

 They got up from their table. Both of them were about to walk back into the hospital, when they heard someone scream. After the scream ended, there was a bang from a gun followed by a moment of creepy silence. Connor got up without hesitation and ran over to where a person was lying on the ground. Sarah followed very closely behind Connor even though she was a bit terrified. 

After running towards the gun shot, Connor found a woman bleeding out from a gun shot wound to her gut. Connor knelled down beside her. He yelled at the nurse to get a stretcher. The bullet hole was in the womans lower left abdominal area, which can be deadly. Reese got down and put pressure on the wound. She didn't care about getting blood on her hands. She really didn't even think twice about it. She checked for an exit hole and found one. Reese sat and waited for the nurses to come back. Connor was up by the woman's head, talking to her and trying to keep her awake.

It felt like forever for the stretcher to get there, but it got there. They put the now unconscious woman on the stretcher and ran her inside to the first trauma room. They work on her for a ten minutes before Connor called it. "Time of death, 13:27." Connor walks out of the trauma room and Reese followed him. The woman's blood was all over her by this time. She looked down at it in shock, "Wha-.... Shes dead." Connor turned around and grabbed her shoulders. "Reese, it happens. Go get cleaned up." She nodded and walked to the bathroom. PD was waiting in the break room to question them.

As Connor walked by the restroom he could hear sobbing. Knowing it was Sarah, he ran in and grabbed her arms. "Sarah, look at me. Breath. You're going to be okay." Sarah looked up at him and trying to slow her breathing down but failing. Connor pulled her into a tight hug. "We did everything we could..." His hand was on her head and her face was in his shoulder. He stayed with her until she was ready to talk to PD.

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