20- I Would Walk One Hundred Miles

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"Come On!!" Sarah grabbed Connors hand as he tried to get away.. "It'll be a fun little date!" Connor groaned a little, "Look I'm all about staying fit and having fun at the same time but What part of running a 5K sounds fun to you??" Sarah thought for a second before pulling the out the door and shutting it behind them, "Ohhh, Everything."

Sarah drove them to the track and parked. They got out and got ready to run. They were finished stretching, "Okay so its twenty laps. Do you want to time it???" Sarah sounded really excited. She was in running gear, which included leggings and a t-shirt. "You can have a head start if you want, I don't know about timing it. That's a little crazy..." Connor told her. 

Sarah shook her head before she started to run, "I swear, if you stare at my ass the whole time I'm going to run back there and tackle you." Connor laughed, "I would welcome you to do that."

Sarah was enjoying the race. It was nice outside. Spring was her favorite time of year. Luckily in Chicago, they get all four seasons and Sarah loved it. Around the track, plants lined the paved running section. Some of them were tulips, which were Sarah's favorite flower. Seeing them, reminded her of when she was in Africa, away from Connor and Chicago, it made her miss winter but there would always be more since she was never going to leave again. In the end, she loved May weather.

About ten laps in Sarah had started to slow down and Connor passed her. He watched her on the way by with a smiled on his face, "Slow and Steady wins the race!!" She was out of breath, "Oh trust me. I'll catch up." Sarah didn't catch up. As much as he tried, she was always five steps behind, but she enjoyed getting to stare at Connors back for the last half of the 5K. 

They came to a stop at where they had started in the beginning. Sarah stopped before Connor. She threw a towel back at him and he caught it. Both of them were trying to catch there breath. Connor walked over to Sarah and wiped off her shoulder, "Sorry to leave you in the dust.." Sarah rolled her eyes before walking away to her car. Connor caught up with her and grabbed her hand. Sarah smiled, "Let's go home."

  Moments like this made her realize how much she loved Connor. He obviously hated running but he knew that's what Sarah wanted to do so he did it anyway. He'd probably get her back sooner or later. How sweet is that? Sarah knew she never wanted to leave Connor. She was more than comfortable where they are, as long as they're together. Connor is her home.  

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