23- Vacation Time

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"Do you think we could take a vacation??" At first Sarah looked at him like he was crazy. She started to think about it and realized it wasn't a bad idea. 

"That's a good idea," Sarah looked up at him, "Do you have any idea of where you want to go?" She asked. He shook his head. Sarah got up to get her laptop from the kitchen. "I just think that since your back now it might me good to get away from Chicago. Together."

She nodded as she listened to Connor. She sat down on the couch and started to research placed to go on vacation. "This will be our first trip together," Connor mentioned.

"Awe, look at you being all sentimental," Sarah smiled while she looked at him over her laptop.  "Hey.. I'm just saying, it will be good for us. Especially now that you're my fiance.." Sarah giggled when she heard him call her his fiance..

The room was quite while Sarah researched things. Connor looked over at her screen while she was looking up and ordering plane ticket, "Last time you looked up plane tickets you went all the way to Africa for six months.. But more importantly you left me.." 

Sarah playfully slapped his arm, "Hush... How do you feel about going on a trip to Canada?" Sarah cold tell that he was thinking about it. He nodded and looked at her, "That does sound like a good first trip type of thing." It was silent for a little while. "Alright. Let's do it," Sarah said as she smiled over at him.

She started ordering all the things for the trip, like the hotel and plane tickets online. She made a plan of all they things that they were going to do, "Your so organized." Sarah rolled her eyes, "I'm not going to go unprepared." Connor stood up before kissing her on the forehead, "and that's why I love you."

The next day, Sarah had the day off since she had been working almost non-stop. Connor went to work and she stayed home to work on packing for the trip. When he got home all they would have to do is go to sleep and wake up early in the morning for the flight.

She realized they didn't have everything they needed for the trip so she started to drive to the store to pick up a few things. She made it there without a problem. She got done in the store and loaded the groceries in the trunk of her car. She pulled out on the highway. About half way home, she was driving peacefully when another car pulled out and hit her right in the passenger side door.

She was okay and so was the other driver. She got out and looked at the other side, "That's totaled.." Traffic was starting to back up behind them since they were blocking the road. The man who hit Sarah felt bad and took fault for the accident. 

An ambulance came to pick them up, "I'm okay.. I don't need an ambulance. I just need to call someone to pick me up." Even though she refused they still wouldn't take no as an answer. Reluctantly she got in the ambulance and they drove her to med to get evaluated.

She got to med and was placed in a room. She was evaluated and cleared. "I told you I was fine..." Manning sighed, "Well. I'm just glade they made you come and get checked out. Get well." She took the gloves off and walked out of the room. Connor heard Sarah's voice and couldn't believe it. He walked in the room and he looked shocked, "What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine.. I just got in a minor car accident. " Connor sat down and grabbed her hand. "Why didn't you call me??" 

"I didn't really have a lot of time to do that.." Connor laughed a little before standing up when another patient came in, "Well I'm just really glad you're okay.." 


They got through the airport security in a record time of twenty minutes. Score! Eventually, it was announced that it was time to board the plane. Sarah and Connor walked hand in hand to their seats with the carry on bags. Canada, here they come..

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