18- May Winds

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Connors POV

Connor noticed someone driving by his house a few times. He tried not to think about it much but on the last lap he looked closely at the car. It looked like Sarah. She wouldn't have come home without as sending as much as a text, would she??

It felt like his heart was in his stomach when he seen the car pull around to park in his driveway.

Sarah's  POV

She looked out her window towards the door. She didn't notice the figure watching her from inside the house.

Sarah hopped out of her car and felt the humid May wind hit her skin. She shut her car door. Stuffing her keys in her pockets, she took a deep breath before started to walk towards the door.

As she walked towards the door, her hand went up towards her neck. She held the charm of the necklace Connor had gotten her for Christmas. She never took it off, not even in Africa.

She looked up as Connor opened the door. Her pace started to slow down as she looked at Connor,  speechless. Connor started to walk towards her.

Connor wrapped his arms around her and spun around in a circle, "I've missed you so much.." hearing his voice made her feel better. He sat her down and stepped away when her feet reached the pavement.

Sarah smiled, "I shouldn't have left. My head wasn't clear.." "I don't want to talk about that right now. I'm just glad your home." They walked inside and Connor started to make her food. Sarah sat down on the stoll and looked at him, "I really missed this place."

"Well, Its been really quiet around here. I missed you too." Connor walked over and kissed her forehead. Sarah smiled. Connor turned his back to the stove to cook, "So tell me about your trip.."

"It was good but I really missed being here. I didn't sleep much because the patients never stopped. Out of the entire village, there was only two other doctors there.." Sarah looked down at the counter.

"I can't  believe you actually stayed there for six months.... not that I was keeping track or anything."

Sarah laughed at him, "Yeah I stayed for six months. Came back. And you're still a dork. I was planning on staying longer honestly." Connor looked back at her smirking. She sighed, "So you probably won't be happy about this but I've been home for a few weeks. I wasn't ready to come straight home to you.."

Connor didn't say anything for a few minutes, "Look. I'm done being mad.. I guess I understand why you did it but I just don't care anymore. Your home now and that's all I care about." He handed her a plate and sat beside her. Sarah smiled before they both started eating.

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