12- OR

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During their shift, a patient came in the OR. Sarah and Connor jumped right in on the action and got him to a trauma room. That trauma room is where it all started.

Without hesitation, Sarah stuck her hand in the giant whole in the mans chest to attempt to stop the bleed. It was the right thing to do, before they knew what made that hole and what that object was in the cavity.

The man was immediately rushed to the OR. Sarah obliviously had to go along. If she moved her hand blood would gush out like a waterfall.

After they got up to the OR, Connor and other surgeons got scrubbed in. They were just about to pull her hand out of the mans damaged chest cavity when the bomb squad rushed in the room, "Stop! If she moves her hand, this whole place could turn to dust.." All of the doctors stopped and looked up. Sarah held her hand still. She started to panic internally and tried not to show emotion.

"Get him off all ventilators and anything that is not needed," The leader told them all. The doctor did he was told and put the ambu bag to ventilate him by hand not machine.

After that, all of the extra doctors in the room left. The bomb squad member stood in front of Sarah. Connor was beside her breathing for the man by occasionally squeezing the bag. There was also a man in the room keeping the patient sedated.

Sarah sighed while she tried to keep her hand as steady as possible. "So you have a plan right?" Connor asked but the Squad member did not answer. "You don't??" Sarah asked nervously. "Look we don't know anything about the bomb in his chest. Its old, forty years old, at least..." There was a long silent pause. "Is this room around any thing majorly explosive?" he asked them both but connor shrugged. "Yes, We are above an oxygen pipeline.." Everyone sighed finding out that bit of doom. "If we keep him here and that bomb explodes the whole hospital is going to go up in smoke."

They started to slowly and carefully wheel him to the furthest OR room from the pipe. Luckily, they made it with out anything too strange. The only thing strange on the way to the OR room was the nerves floating around the whole hospital. Most people in the hospital were evacuated or being moved.

"Okay," the squad member walked in the room after being on the phone, "If we- I mean you, Sarah, pull the bomb straight out and keep it straight, we can get it to a safe place. Ready?" Every word replayed in Sarah's head. "Uhhh, Yes, I guess." She grabbed a hold of the hard object she felt on her fingers and started to pull the bomb straight out.

The bomb squad member was waiting with his hand out to grab it. She gently handed it to him. Everyone sighing in relief. "You- Sarah did good," he gave her a smile before turning and carefully walking out of the room with the bomb. Doctors rushed in to the patient to fix the damage like they were going to before. Sarah walked to the door way to watch him walk away. She couldn't believe what just happened to her.

As she watched the man walk away, he was just about to turn the corner in the hall when it exploded. The explosion sent Sarah flying backwards. She was unconscious for a little. She started to wake up. Blood was running from a cut on her arm. Grunting, she stoop up to look for anyone else. There was nothing. Ten feet in front of her was all fog and ash.

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